Looking Beyond The Natural Eye… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Looking Beyond The Natural Eye…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today let’s thank God for all he has done for us and let’s give some of those blessings away. It’s in the giving that we continue to be blessed.

When we look at others through the eyes of Christ and not with the natural eye but look to their beating heart, we see opportunities to help someone, to lend a helping hand, to do good to someone whom may never be able to do anything in return but may come to see the kindness of God through us. That should be our prayer every day, as we become more like Christ. He is a good God and he loves his people all the same. He is no respecter of persons.


Father, thank you for the opportunity to journey with you once again today. May you use us today to lend a helping hand, meet a need, share a meal or whatever you have for divine appointments for us. May our eyes look beyond the natural and give us discernment in the spiritual to see those in need.

Father, the blessings on our lives is great. May we never take that for granted. Everything we have, we are and will ever become is because you have allowed it. May we always share those blessings with a world that is truly in need of knowing you.

Father, may your kindness spread like wildfire today all across this globe as your people help one another.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Look beyond the natural.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)



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