In the Christian Life, the Name of Jesus Is Everything


LOVE! LOVE! This from J.D. Greear! JESUS! is my everything! JESUS! JESUS!



J.D. Greear

There are a number of times throughout Scripture where someone has an encounter with God’s glory. As I’ve written previously, nearly every time the scene begins with abject terror, not with warm fuzzies. For sinners to stand in the presence of God is so overwhelming that the usual response is, “I think I’m about to die!” One of these encounters stands out to me as unique—when Moses met with God on Mt. Sinai. After receiving the 10 Commandments, Moses asks to see God’s glory. God reminds Moses that if he were to meet him face-to-face, Moses would be a dead man. So he offers to hide Moses in a cleft of the rock while his glory passes by. Even though this is an Old Testament encounter, we can learn from it that the name Jesus is everything.

Most of us miss the significance of what happens next.

In the Christian Life, the Name of Jesus Is Everything

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