We remember George Beverly Shea, we share on marriage and families with


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Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

How are you this day? God Bless your day!

Please drink this whole CUP, we have a wonderful =
surprise for you at then end…….

Mark 10:27 (NASB) “Looking at them, Jesus *said, “=
With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible=
with God.”

To open up the CUP today, I thank the Lord for th=
e life of George Beverly Shea! he passed onto heaven yesterday at 104 years=
of age! Back in the 70’s I played his LP’s on KGCX in Sidney, Montana! Cli=
ck here for more


We have received many =
Godly comments on the Afternoon CUP of 

Espresso!!! Editor Paul Holt just loves serving that up for you! Folks =
are asking if they still can sign up! YES you can by going to www.fggam.org and going to the bottom left hand corner a=
nd sign up! Pastor Paul would like to ask you to spread the word about FGGA=
M! he would ask that you forward the morning CUP and afternoon CUP to 10&nb=
sp;friends today! This will help carry out the Great Commission! &nbsp=
;We are out to be Salt and Light to the World, occupying until th=
e Lord returns, spreading His message to all! Please help us spread the inf=
ormation that we put forth here at FGGAM! We love you all! 

Yesterday I had a working lu=
nch with Michael Holland of the Family Life Line based in Rio Rancho, NM

Michael is such a wonderful friend and inspiratio=
n,. You can read his posts on our web site at www.fgg=
We had a wonderful meeting! Get this We here at FGGAM=
are about bringing you information from a Biblical perspective and putting=
forth Biblical solutions to problems through our Preaching and Teaching. I=
f you remember I shared this stat with you a couple of weeks ago that there=
were over 7,000 divorces in Bernalillo County in 2012! UGH! UGH! Part of t=
he solution to this is the Family Life Line. Michael shared with me that th=
ey have a 85% success rate with couples that come to them in dist=
ress! Get a load of that! That should be headlines in every newspaper in Am=
erica!!!!! If a couple will go to just 8 hours of pre-martial counseling (w=
e would pray they would go for more than that) 8 hours reduces divorce by 5=
0%!!!! This is why I will not marry 
anyone without pre-martial counseling, too man=
y Pastors are marrying people without this valuable, Godly counseling! Now =
if a couple will commit to 4 to 6 months of Godly marriage mentor=
ing with another couple the divorce rate falls all the way to 3 to 8 percen=
t! This is just outstanding! Thank you Lord for Michael and his lovely wife=
Rebecca! They have been doing marriage counseling for years, I have known =
them both for a long time. Now let me share this with you…..Divorce costs=
the State of New Mexico 230 million dollars a year.why? direct and indirec=
t costs. 50% of divorced people fall below the poverty line in the first ye=
ar, causing an impact on state and federal services. We are talking about a=
series of conferences on marriage, families, Prophecy =
The World we live in, etc…..We will keep you posted. The 
phecy conference would be given by Pastor Paul H=
We all=
know that the sanctity of marriage is under attack. Sharon says we are liv=
ing in a Gender-less society. Please look for Michael and Rebecca’s posts o=

Click =
on this for their latest posting: 

In tod=
ay’s Albuquerque Journal is the story of a man who shoots his ex in the sto=
mach after their court hearing.This 
happened in Alb=
uquerque. The women, thank our Lord, will survive. This just after&nbs=
p;charges of child abuse and domestic violence were dropped =
against the man. This is why we Preach and Teach Biblical principles i=
n all things! We should expect more violence like this in an ungo=
dly society! 

Then we have the 5 =
year old girl in 
kindergarten that decides she is boy=
, and her parents agree and get the school administrators and Teacher to ca=
ll her a him. This is in Albuquerque, a Charter school. I became ill when I=
heard this story. As Sharon stated we are living in a Gender-less society.=
How messed up is this!!!??!!! We must be in prayer over all this. The dama=
ge being done to that little girl and then just think of her 5 year old cla=
ssmates. Please be in prayer. 

As I s=
hared a couple of weeks ago there are 4 Judges in Bernalillo County for Div=
orces/Domestic, each have over 1800 cases at this time! 

For al=
l of you in the Edgewood, NM area, this Thursday night I will be teaching t=
he Men’s Bible study. It starts at 7pm at Valley View Christian Church and =
I know they would love to see you there! We will be sharing on leaving behi=
nd a legacy like George Beverly Shea! Just think of all those folks that ne=
ver got to know the works of George! One reason our 
society is in the shape it is, is that many are growing up with=
out Godly mentor’s. I am so looking forward to spending time with my friend=
s at Valley View! last time we had a full house, and I pray the same this w=

Yes! Amen to this! I am so blessed to have friends all ar=
ound the world that make me smile and laugh!!! Thank You Lord!!!!

April 17, 2013. Have you been talking to God lately? Has He been talking =
to you? Speaking with the Lord each and every day will gain much for you. F=
irst, by so doing, you are demonstrating faith. Second, He is looking for f=
aith to flow from your heart. With it, mountains are moved into the sea. Us=
e it and miracles occur, problems get solved and impossibilities become pos=
sibilities. Your awesome destiny gets displayed before you. The world aroun=
d you will see My hand on you. Speak often of Me about what I have done for=
Mark 10:27 (NASB) “Looking at the=
m, Jesus *said, “With people it is impossible, but not with God; for all th=
ings are possible with God.” Ras Robinson
Subscribe to “What the Lord Is Saying Today” 
April 17, 2013.&nbsp=
;I see you processing and so far handling well what happened. This is good.=
You are learning to rely on Me. Continue doing what you are doing now. You=
are bringing your thoughts captive and remembering My obedience. My exampl=
e is for you. You can be obedient as I was obedient. Your agenda can be our=
Father’s agenda. Yes, I know you have preconceived ideas on how things are=
to work, but if you will have your ears tuned to Me, you will walk in vict=
ory beyond anything you imagine.
1 Corinthians 2:9 (NASB) “but jus=
HOSE WHO LOVE HIM.” Bev Robinson

As we close this day, one=
more time from George Beverly Shea! Love the man! Thank you my LORD for hi=
s life!

From 1969=


NGELES, CA – FEBRUARY 12: George Beverly Shea attends the Recording Academy=
hosted Special Merit Awards Ceremony at The Wilshire Ebell Theatre on Febr=
uary 12, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Noel Vasquez/Getty Imag=

For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of =
our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

us today! 


If you would like to support the muc=
h needed
 work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministr=
 Dewey Moede, and De=
wey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a 
financial gift.  You can securely give&nbsp=
by clicking on this link- http://www.fggam.org/donate.html=
 then scroll down the page to securely give =
. Be assured my =
 your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,

Dewey Moede

If you have friends or family you think =
would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please f=
orward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they ha=
ve to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey@aol.co=

If you do not wish to be on this email list please =
kindly inform Dewey by sending him an email titled REMOVE at 
 – we will take you off this email list asa=

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