I Am Tired of Weak Christianity


I love D.L. Moody! It is sad when I quote him when I am preaching, many do not know this man of God who led many to Jesus! Moody did what many Pastors and many Christians fail to do today, carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION! Share Jesus with the world! Did you know that President Abe Lincoln once visited Moody’s Sunday School class in Chicago? Study the life of the saints that have gone before us like D.L. Moody, you will be inspired. he was a simple man like myself, I so much identify with him! Maybe you will to!
One day the preacher, D. L. Moody was approached by a man who wanted to know the secret of Moody’s success in leading men to the Lord. Moody asked the man to go and look out the hotel window. Doing so, Moody asked, “What did you see?” The man answered, “I saw a street crowded with people.” Moody requested that he go and look out again. When the man had looked the second time, Moody asked, “What did you see?” This time the man mentioned seeing people-men, women, and children. Moody then directed him to look a third time, and the man became frustrated that he was not seeing what Moody wanted him to see. The evangelist came to the window with watery eyes and said, “I see people going to hell without Jesus. Until you see people like that, you will not lead them to Christ.”
Friends, what do we see when driving on the busy freeway, an over-crowded restaurant, a crowed waiting room, our neighborhood, or our extended family?

Read about D.L. Moody here

Want a Thriving Church? Focus on Children!

AMEN and AMEN!!! I love to see children in Church! I love Children’s ministry!!! When I do not see Children’s Sunday School in Churches I visit, my heart sinks. Children are the future of the Church and our Country! I also get sad when it is time for the sermon to start, many Churches have the children leave to attend Sunday School. Not good! Children should be in Church with the adults, they will learn much and adults will learn much. I love to hear crying babies in Church! The sound of children warm my heart. Plus, babies crying keep people awake while I preach!!! LOL! LOL!

When I do not see children in Church or Sunday school my heart breaks. It means a slow death to that Church. Sunday School is the feeder system for our future! Drives me nuts when I do not see Children in Church! How do we expect to change the world for Jesus when we do not have children in Church? Come on Folks! It is called THE GREAT COMMISSION!

Want a Thriving Church? Focus on Children!

Pictured at the top is from my days at FBC in Reserve. Love this Church, they have an active Children’s ministry headed up by Destre Ortega, pictured above with her children, Destre does such awesome work for our Lord and His children. Not only do the children go to Sunday school before Church, there is children’s ministry during the service! Pictures above is Deacon Charles McCargish conducting children’s Church! For summer Bible School, FBC in Reserve has up to 40 children! This is awesome for a community of 289 people.

Thankful for the memories I carry from my days at FBC in Reserve! They are under the great care of Pastor Sheldon now! PTL!

Its plain and simple, no children in your church, it will slowly die.

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