HOW CRAZY CAN IT GET??? Hundreds of Regular Churchgoers Among QAnon Believers Awaiting JFK Jr.’s Resurrection in Dallas


I am still shaking my head at this! I can hardly beleive what I am seeing everyday…..I had to look at this news about 6 times before it really soaked in that this took place. See what Politics can lead to!!!…..I really beleive that politics is the playground of Satan….all of sudden one day because of what politics created in America we have all these crazy people and groups like QAnon! These folks were not planted firmly in the LORD! They have fallen away to Satan. Too many Christians are drinking ‘political kool-aid’. The Church must show tough love to these folks! Enough is enough! In the last what, 6 years or so many Americans have made politics a religion and it has turned into a destruction of the Church and America. The Church has been to silent on this very serious problem that continues today! WOW! This is the fruit that is being produced????????? Conspiracy theories and gossip is destroying the Church in America. Blind faith in conspiracies leading faithful astray Many people are so very blinded by Satan in America and the Church is losing its influence daily because it is not building bridges of love and trust and carrying out THE GREAT COMMISSION! WAKE UP CHURCH!!! This is what happens when people make a god out of a politician. I am going to preach and act on THE GREAT COMMISSION until I am blue in the face! Your Church may be full in the inside, but on the outside, America is dying. What are you doing about it?

Hundreds of Regular Churchgoers Among QAnon Believers Awaiting JFK Jr.’s Resurrection in Dallas

What does the body of Christ not understand about THE GREAT COMMISSION? IT IS A COMMAND, TO GO! GO!

Gangstafied to Sanctified

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