‘He Gives Me True Joy’


Fellowship of Christian Athletes Participants Pursue Christ Alone—‘He Gives Me True Joy’

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Recently, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA, www.fca.orgasked a group of its participants why they pursue Christ.


The answers to this simple question were nothing less than profound.


All gave glory to God. None of the athletes mentioned the pursuit of physical excellence. None of them mentioned achievement on the court, on the field or on the track. Rather, they all said that they pursue Christ as an act of worship, of joy—and that it’s a gift.


Said Kyla Duncan, a basketball player in New Orleans, La., “I pursue Christ daily because He gives me true joy, peace and happiness. Most importantly, Christ gives me purpose to live.”


Jordyn Brown, who plays tennis in Woodbury, Minn., responded, “The more I pursue God, the more I learn about His goodness, which allows me to better understand how to glorify Him. I learn the importance of spreading the Good News. The only way to achieve earthly and eternal happiness and fulfillment is through faith in God, which makes pursuing Him a gift.”


And AJ Eason, who plays football, basketball and track and field in Statesboro, Ga., said, “Christ has done marvelous things for me and in my family’s lives. He is the reason I wake up every morning and why I’ve gotten this far. He has done many miracles and will continue to lead me on the right path.”


The God-honoring encouragement and affirmation these athletes and so many others have received from FCA in more than 65 years of ministry has been life-giving.


Says FCA’s President and CEO Shane Williamson, “When we pursue a goal, we fix our eyes on a target. For competitors, these targets involve winning championships, getting to the next level and breaking records. As Christians, though, we have a goal superior to all others: living like Jesus Christ. He alone must be our pursuit.”


He adds, “I can’t think of a more important time to pursue Christ than now.”


FCA’s theme for 2021 is Pursue, which is based on 1Timothy 6:11: “Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.”


FCA encourages its members to pursue God’s use of His Word as an anchor, grounding Christians as they look to His Kingdom.


Read more about Fellowship of Christian Athletes here, visit FCA’s website at www.fca.org, its Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TheFCATeam or its Twitter feed https://twitter.com/TheFCATeam.


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