God, Maine Welcomes You In… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


God, Maine Welcomes You In…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Yesterday, I met with some friends for our regular weekly prayer time. We are a diverse group of people that believe Jesus for everything. When things look impossible with man, we know it is not impossible for our God. We are a peculiar people that have tasted and seen the goodness of our God. We have been a people that asked for God’s heart and prayed for others, our communities, our state, our nation and the nations of the world.

When we buy a new car, we test drive it, we try it out. Maybe that’s why God’s Word tells us to taste and see in Psalm 34. Once we taste and see the goodness of our God for ourselves, no one has to beg us to commune with him. We make time to spend with God. Even the busyness of our day can’t keep us away from our time with him.

Last evening, we had a gifted prophetic artist with us. I did say gifted, right? The picture she sketched as we prayed, blessed this prayer lady’s socks off. I love how we are all gifted uniquely. We don’t need to be like someone else, pray like someone else, we just need to be who we were created to be, unique.

Let’s pray this morning (talk with God)  that many will taste and see how great our God is. Let’s thank him for the floodgates that are being open over our regions. Amen? Amen.

Let’s Pray:

Father, you are an amazing God and we are going to put all our trust in you. Some trust in great wealth, some trust in chariots, but we trust in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, we declare the floodgates are open over the beautiful State of Maine (include your state and region of the world). We receive the greatest outpouring of your spirit here in Aroostook County, Maine (receive for your state and region of the world). Father, to everything there is a season, thank you for opening the floodgates.

Father, thank you that the river is flowing here in Maine, the river of our God. Let is flow right through New England to the nations of the world. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Read all of Psalm 34 today. Taste and see for yourself the goodness, the greatness of our God. Believe on his name, the most powerful name and your life will never be the same. Join the move

Somebody shout Fire!!!

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