I asked Brother Roger Cole to pray………whatever the Lord would put on his heart for such a time as this……Roger was great friends with the man who marched into my office one day almost 9 years ago, the late, great man of God, Pastor Larry Moss. Larry said, “The Lord sent me hear to tell you you need to leave the radio business and go out and preach the Word in New Mexico.” I will never, ever forget those words, the rest is history in the making.
Thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us Brother Roger! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!!!!!!
Dear Father God,
Tonight as I complete my 78th year, I am reflecting on the number of undeserved days you have afforded me. You have given me days of Joys, and Sorrows, and memories of a country founded on your principles and the protections my country, through you, I have been gifted.
But today Heavenly Father, my heart is so troubled over the brokenness of my country and my state. I can scarcely imagine that we as a people would destroy our offspring with no apparent remorse; that we would consider euthansia as if it were nothing; that we would break every commandment without even a thought. Oh Lord Forgive us!
Heavenly Father I pray that you would hold your hand of deserved judgement; so that we may have the opportunity of Repentance. Please pour out Your Holy Spirit on all of this nation and city and state, and bring us a Hunger and Thirst for only You and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
We know that you have a remnant of Believers that are on Fire for You. Let these few ignite those that are still lukewarm. Pour out your Holy Spirit and Anointing of your Pastors and Teachers. Give each of us a Burden for our neighbor, and let us weep for their salvation, for we know the time is short.
You are the only Way, Truth and Life and not the lies and filth the world has to offer. We pray for a great Revival to break forth in Albuquerque, in New Mexico, and in our Nation and around the World.
Dear Lord please give “The Church” the will and desire to go out into the highways and byways to compel a lost world to come into your house, that it will be full.
I ask this in the Name of My Lord Jesus Christ,
Roger M. Cole

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