cup of goodnessdeweysharonDear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Merry Christmas!!! We love you and yours!
This CUP is full of MUCH GOODNESS! We also have so many new inspirational and informational posts Please visit FGGAM.ORG and spread the word please!
We are very thankful for all the Christmas posts we have for you from our 26 writers!!! For God’s Glory Alone!
Don’t forget that Pastor Paul and myself are on KDAZ AM730 at 12:05 MT today with the World We Live In.
Please continue to pray for Pastor Ray Franks. Ray was put back on breathing assistance. I checked with his son, Pastor Brenton this morning and Ray is stable but this remains a critical prayer need. We pray for healing, strength, and peace for Brother Ray who we love so much! We pray the same over the family in Jesus name, Amen!
We pray for all that are traveling, Lars going back to Chicago, Michael going to California, Kid’s returning to Denver, after Christmas travel is going to be busy at the Moede house! Pastor Paul and Jo Holt are going to Ohio for Christmas and I will be preaching for him this coming Sunday in Magdalena at the Baptist Church.
We pray for all those that are in the hospital and nursing homes at this time.
A happy family is but an earlier heaven. John Bowring
I AM CLEANING MY OFFICE!!!!!!! IT’S A ONCE A YEAR EVENT!!!!! TO THE DISAPPOINTMENT OF MANY!!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!  Anyhow I found an old devotional book from 1976 by Billy Graham. As many of you know, I love this man, he is my hero! Child like faith: By Billy Graham: I yearn for many hearts to melt for Jesus this Christmas! 
kiteBilly 2Whenever anyone asks me how I can be so certain about who and what God really is, I am reminded of the story of the little boy who was out flying a kite.
It was a fine day to go kite-flying, the wind was brisk and the large billowy clouds were blowing across the sky. The kite went up and up until it was entirely hidden by the clouds.
“What are you doing?” a man asked the little boy. “I’m flying a kite,” he replied. “flying a kite, are you?” the man asked. “How can you be sure? You can’t see your kite.” “No,” said the little boy, “I can’t see it, but every little while I feel a tug, so I know for sure that it is there.”
Don’t take anyone else’s word for God. Find Him for yourself, and then you too will know by the wonderful, warm tug on your heart-string, that He is there, for sure.
The words of Billy Graham in Day by Day
Thankfully I feel the tug everyday……almost hourly if not minute by minute, For God’s Glory Alone, I love the Lord so!
As the Lord tugs  our heart, He speaks to us! Amen!
When you deeply know that God is tugging on your heart, you have arrived! Do not turn to the left or right, stay focused on God!
Be guided by Him, and Him alone.
I so love Billy Graham, I pray for him and his family. He is my hero!
And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:2-4 ESV)
A Christmas Wedding! I was blessed to officiate the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.  Steven Minor yesterday! Steve is a best friend, a man of God. God put him together with Andra, who is such a Godly women. They were married yesterday at in historic Old Town at the gazebo. I weep the joy of the Lord over this Godly couple. There is nothing like bringing a Godly couple together in marriage! Amen!   Marriage is at the center of God’s purpose for mankind, to mirror his image: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
When I do a wedding, God also gives me His word’s to preach: steve wedding
Marriage is Holy.
God joined a man and a women together so that together they would mirror His image.
He called this union marriage.
Their oneness reflects the character and unity of God. Matt. 19:4-6, John 17:22-23
Their oneness is a living picture of this intimate relationship between Jesus Christ and His followers. Eph 5:22-23
Jesus honored weddings by performing His miracle at the wedding feast at Cana.
Paul raises marriage to the same love and affection that Christ has for the church.
God Bless you Steven and Andra! Merry Christmas!
An AWESOME post by Angel:
Good Morning Beautiful People
Do You Believe in Secret Santa?
By: Angel L. Murchison
I must say I do. Christmas is the most wonderful time of year; it truly is, especially as a Christian. It has a meaning so rich in my heart that each day I pray, “Lord, draw souls unto Yourself.”
I love my journey with Jesus. This past year my journey has been tough. The road has been hard, and the emotional pain at times seemed more than I could bear. All I could do was put my trust in the man Whom laid his life down for me, and hold on to see what He would do and where He would show himself strong.
One day at work we were asked if we wanted to draw a name for secret Santa and I decided to participate. We were to buy an inexpensive gift each week for three weeks, and then with a fourth gift disclose who we were. Being me, I prayed for the name I drew as my secret Santa, because I believe in the power of prayer. Each week I left trinkets and tokens to encourage my person, but couldn’t find words to write a note as this trial seemed to have dried up the words in me. The writer I thought I was now seemed so far away.
Week one came and I found a beautiful Christmas cactus on my desk with words on a card that made me weep. Week two came and another touching note in addition to an angel holding a star ornament. I thought, “It’s clear, it’s dimensional and the cut is precise. It will hang beautifully on my tree.”
The days were passing and the trial seemed endless. I could see no way of escape. I prayed, I cried, I looked for God everywhere. I so needed to see him working on my behalf. It seemed my encouragement was coming these days from my secret Santa.
Week three on my journey was very tough. I had an appointment early that Friday morning, the thirteenth of December. A day I will never forget. To help me remember, the thirteen mile drive to the next town was the snowy, cold day it was and my car window wouldn’t go up. My neighbor who could be a source of help was gone, my sister lives a few towns away and I only had enough time for the drive. My choices seemed limited so I decided to drive with my window down. I arrived on time but I must say it was cold, and the wind had done quite a number on my hair. I guess it would be safe to say it was a bad hair day.
The meeting went fairly well–an end to some hard times behind me. I stopped at Beaulieu’s garage, and with a new window motor I was destined for a much warmer ride. When I arrived at my office I began to work right away. I interview clients that need assistance in staying warm in Maine’s cold wintery days. After a client, I went to make some copies and found a gift bag from my secret Santa on my office door. The words were few this day but a candle with a Santa topper was in this bag. I pondered a lot that afternoon with thoughts of whom my secret Santa could be, why they had waited till Friday, and I thought a lot about the timing of the gift. The cold drive, the hard day, the Santa candle, hmm.
Now it was time to share a potluck luncheon with Mrs. Claus and find out who my Santa really is. Enclosed in a well-wrapped box was a votive candle holder with timed candle surrounded by the most beautiful wintery scenes etched with a silver lining around the top. It was gorgeous and I discovered the person that had drawn my name. She was not in attendance when I opened the gift, but later that afternoon came with another gift. She said it was to accompany a previous gift. I opened it to discover another clear angel ornament holding a little bird. I thanked her and I shared a few nervous words with her as her title is at a much higher level than mine.
The next morning, Friday once again, I awoke and prepared for work. I was listening to my favorite song What Faith Can Do by Kutless. I sang along with the words I knew. I went in my office to look at my collection from Santa once again. I began to weep a bit. The little bird on the angel ornament–that’s what my spirit feels like. Free, yes, free. Somehow, I missed seeing the little bird when I opened it the day before.
So here I was singing a song about rising up, being strong, faith, silver linings, and being free. Nothing is impossible when you have faith in God! Keep believing for a better life. God can make all things new. Even broken hearts can be restored with faith in God. That’s what faith can do, I know. God was giving me symbols of all this through my secret Santa. (Check this song out on YouTube, you’ll be blessed.)
I am mesmerized in awe of the God I serve. I am speechless, but I can write once again. Now that’s a switch. The beautiful silver-lining around the Christmas votive candle holder, the timed candle (God has a timing for everything), the angel ornaments, the Christmas cactus– He was using my secret Santa to bless me. Yes, I do believe in secret Santa, I surely do.
Here’s my prayer for you today:
Lord, thank You for the greatest gift I have ever received, Jesus. Thank You for all Your blessings. Help me to be a blessing to others. God, would You help each of the readers across this globe today to find the silver lining. They are not hopeless, You are their hope. God, I pray this Christmas You will help us all to be that secret Santa to somebody. Use us today to be a bright light and help others be set free. Bind up the broken hearted–silent prayers, God, I know You hear. Lord, help us all to trust in Your timing. That’s what faith in You is all about. Look what faith can do. Look what faith can do.
Merry Christmas, Many Blessings and Much Love.
Ps 34:19 The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time. NLTgood-morning-beautiful-peopleangel murchison
Also read this about an Angel that made an appearance at a Promise Keeper’s event:
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo a
nd families Visit us today! If you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name.  Thank you, Dewey Moede

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