The Sound of Songs and Shouts of Joy


We are blessed to have a wonderful message from Kathy Branzell of National Day of Prayer!

Friend —

Psalm 118:14-15 The LORD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation. 15 The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of the LORD does valiantly. NASB


Here we sit just a few days away from the end of the election and the beginning of another term of service. We are so grateful for the season of prayer that has been multiplied throughout a very divided campaign. While those who seek to be elected have been talking to us, we have been talking with God; prayers poured out seeking the Lord’s hand and heart for every position from Superintendent, to Sheriff, to President and everything in between. The overall theme of prayer we hear repeated on every prayer call and gathering is for our nation to be led in God’s righteousness. God’s people want a nation, and the people who represent and serve us, to lead with policies and processes that align with God’s Word.

You have heard the phrase over and over again, “Vote your values.” It is important to remember there is no perfect person; even as Christ-followers we are imperfect people, being perfected by a Perfect God. There is no perfect person running for city council or congress; but we are looking for people who will initiate and strengthen the laws that support and spur on the uprightness of God so that the homes, jobs, education, and freedoms of the righteous are preserved and prosperous. As people of prayer we know that those people can only exist as they incline their hearts and ears to Word and will of God.

We are not choosing a Savior, we are not even choosing a pastor; we are however, choosing the people who will make decisions and laws that will shape and change our city, states, and nation for ourselves, our children and grandchildren. Jesus alone is our salvation. The Lord is our strength and the Lord’s hand will move valiantly as we pray and make our voices heard. We pray that you do not walk silently into the tomorrow of someone else’s choosing. You must vote because your voice matters. People all over the world have fought, lost loved ones in wars, and have walked 100 miles to cast a vote in the leadership of their nation. The worst thing you can do is not vote, throwing your right and responsibility away and believing someone else, someone who may not worship or even believe in God, should make the decision of our nation and your family’s future.

Our prayer is that shouts of joy and songs of praise will fill the homes of the righteous, but this can only happen if the Lord’s hand moves valiantly and moves you to vote.

Please join me as we continue to pray now:

Lord Jesus, we come to You, our Savior, our strength and our song, knowing the decision ahead can only be guarded and guided by You. Lord, we lift our voice in praise to You and in prayer for every person called by Your name to go and cast their vote. We lift up shouts of joy when our leaders incline their hearts to You; when they seek Your face and for Your will to be done. Preserve America in the shadow of Your wings, in the authority of Your power, and in the name that is above every name, the precious name of Jesus, all for Your honor and glory we pray… and vote. Amen.


For His Love, Life, and Liberty,

Kathy Branzell


National Day of Prayer Task Force


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This month is PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH! Take time to show your pastors how much you appreciate them!


In the weeks leading up to the election, we want to highlight this resource from Intercessors For America. Click on the box to request a Vote Your Values Prayer Guide!



About the National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer tradition predates the founding of the United States of America, evidenced by the Continental Congress’ proclamation in 1775 setting aside a day of prayer. In 1952, Congress established an annual day of prayer and, in 1988, that law was amended, designating the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May.

To learn more, or to find a National Day of Prayer event in your community, visit

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