2020: Massive Grief


Little did we know that when the ‘Ball’ fell at midnight on New Year’s in Time Square, that that falling would begin a domino effect on all things normal and precious to the American way of life!  2020 came in with much hope and celebration that the New Year would be better than 2019.  Let the historians forever quote this writer as saying in regard to 2020:  “Somebody dropped the Ball!”

I recently read a report by an ABC associate in California, which indicated that John Muir Medical Center doctors were saying they have seen more deaths by suicide than Covid-19 during this unusual and stressful quarantine.

Many Americans are somewhat unknowing that they are going through a very real and heartbreaking grief because of the many losses of freedom thus far in 2020 (Jobs, schools, churches, shopping, travel, family gatherings, etc.).

The pressures of life’s losses, upon the human heart, are often too much for its tender walls to stand up to — your heart trembles, . . . gives way under the surface — you have, or are having, a broken heart.   At the moment, repair seems impossible.   But, wait upon, and hope in, the LORD.   There never has been a heart so broken that He could not repair.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart (even though shattered); and lean not on your own understanding (of the pain you are feeling). In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths (toward peace of heart).” (Proverbs 3:5-6, parenthetical thoughts mine, added)

Beloved, we do have Hope, but that Hope is the Person, the LORD Jesus Christ.  He is, and always will be, the only Hope humanity has.  Seek Him!  Pursue Him!  Talk to Him!  Pray On!

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