How To Sharpen Your Sword!


When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. — James 1:13-14

When we are tempted to transgress, God is always there to keep us from it. He’s there to bring good from it, even if we fail the test, as we so often do. But God can never be the agent of evil. John’s first epistle supports this understanding when he writes, “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).

The Bible also tells us that temptation is a part of life. God allows it to make us stronger. But even when it comes our way we don’t have to yield to it—we can be overcomers because God always sets the boundaries, the rules, the conditions and the way out (1 Corinthians 10:13).

So, if God is not the agent of evil in the world, who is? The Scriptures tell us that the enemy of our souls “is the father of all lies” (John 8:44). He “disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14) and “a deceiver” (Revelation 20:8). He will do anything to keep us from coming to the truth, because truth is the most valuable thing in the world as it leads us to the Source of all truth, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). With those descriptions, we are tempted to blame the evil one in totality. But what about you and me? What role do we play? Without our fleshly reactions (James 1:14), would there be any evil responses? Yes, the Scriptures are very clear, we are a big part of the problem!

So how do we overcome our personal weakness to yield to temptation? The best example we have is that of our Lord. Think of the great pressure that the devil put on Jesus to sin—but He did not respond in His own strength but by challenging the devil with His Father’s strength—the written word (Matthew 4:4; 6-7; 10). That’s the key isn’t it?

In closing, I call your attention to the finishing touch of the “full armor of God” passage expressed in Ephesians 6:10-17. The last item in the panoply of protection called for is, “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (vs. 17). When we sharpen that figurative weapon, we’re complete and always ready for the battle that also carries this promise from God, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17). Maranatha!

To help us walk closer with God and to know Him better

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