A Psalm 23 Prayer

You Restore me, Lord


“The Lord is my shepherd;”

Lord as I think about this statement, I realize that it is You that has my every need and every concern taken care of. However, I do waiver at times. I forget that You will Protect me. I forget that You will Provide and Guide me. I often feel like I wander but, I need to remember to look to You in every instance. I need to remember that You have never left me. You are by my side.

“I shall not want.”

In our flesh, we think that we have many needs, Lord, that are not truly needs but more of wants. Today, I am asking You to Help me to change my “wants” to be desires of Your Heart. I am asking that You Change my heart to be in line with Yours. I am asking You to Help me learn what is the difference between my true needs and my fleshly wants. The desires that don’t line up within in Your Will, I am asking You to remove and Replace them with Your Truth and Your Righteousness.

“He makes me to lie down in green pastures;”

If only I would learn to be still and quiet. I believe this is an instance that You use, to cause me to listen and rest. You know better the rest I need. You Speak to me during times of rest. You bring refreshment to my life during times of rest. You Help me to learn more of Your Love during times of rest. You calm my stress and anxiousness during times of rest. Please, I ask You to cause me to be still and listen more.

‘He leads me beside the still waters.”

If only I would learn to follow and trust Your Lead more. It would help me to see that You Lead me through all kinds of trials as well as joys. It would remind me that I do not need to react in anxiousness. I would be able to look at how You are Working, even in the storms of life. I may not understand all that is happening, but, I would know that You are there guiding me through. I would be able to look out at “The still waters” and learn how to quiet my thoughts.

“He restores my soul;”

You are the one Who saves me. When You restored me to Your Family, You Give me assurance to know that You are My Lord. In being restored, I no longer need to try to fix my problems on my own, that I can look to You for Wisdom and guidance. I can know what True Joy is. I can start to leave the things that only bring me happiness for a short time because, Your Love Leads me to Eternal Hope.

“He leads me in the paths of righteousness”

For so long, I thought I knew what would make You pleased with me. I thought I could earn Your Love. However, You reminded me that there is nothing I can do on my own accord, that would make me righteous in Your eyes. This, because, I fail. You have reminded me that I am born into sin and that we all, like sheep, go astray. The Good News I have learned though, that You desire to show me what it means to be righteous in Your eyes. You provided that through Jesus’ Death on the cross for me. You have told me that “By His Blood, we are healed”. This should serve as a reminder that the healing is not just physical but more importantly, in my Relationship with You.

 “For His name’s sake.”

For so long, I have only thought about me. You have reminded me today, that I need to Glorify You and not me. When I do focus on Glorifying Your Name, others will be able to see your Love, Kindness, Grace, and Mercies for us. They will know that You Love us more than we could ever imagine. When I Glorify You, You will allow me to be involved in things You are doing. You will send me to places that I would never have been able to go to before to speak to others that would not have listened in the past. Please, change this selfish heart into a loving heart.

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,”

I do not want to be separated from You. I know that sin will cause me to die spiritually. This is something I do not want to have control in my life any longer. I am asking You to deliver me from a life of sin into a life that glorifies You. I know that I will experience eternal life when I follow You. This is the promise You have given for those who do follow You. I am asking for strength to withstand temptation and not sink back into my old life that gave me no hope like I find in You.

“I will fear no evil;”

With You in my life, I have no reason to fear. You have told me to “be anxious for nothing,” In fact, Jesus’ Death on the cross was to conquer sin. With You as My Shepherd, You protect me. You deliver me from my enemies. You watch over me. You give me strength in times that it seems everyone wants to cause me harm.

“For You are with me;”

You remind me that I am never alone. You remind me that You are walking with me in the good and the bad. You remind me that anything I deal with, I do not have to face alone.

“Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

Your rod is something You use to correct me. Whenever I step out of line, because You Love me, You use Your rod to bring me back on track. I learn from Your loving correction. Your staff pulls me back in when I wander. You don’t allow me to stray to far before reigning me back in. You rather that I continue to grow in You and not fall astray again.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;”

I humble myself in Your Presence. You raise me up in front of others. I would rather not puff myself up. You provide for my needs even when others would try to seek my destitution. You even provide for me in abundance that I may share with others. You invite me to be part of Your Banquet Table in the last days. Your generosity helps me to remember that it is You that gives for my needs.

“You anoint my head with oil;”

In Your Word You talk about anointing one who is sick with oil. It is like having the Holy Spirit to envelope the one who is sick. It brings comfort to the afflicted. Another part of Your Word talks about anointing the one You have chosen. It is a great reminder to me that You chose even me to be part of Your family. That You would consider me, a sinner, to be used by You to touch others lives.

 “My cup runs over.”

If all that was in my cup was Your Love, that would be plenty for me. I am overwhelmed by Your Love in my life. You continue to show me examples of it daily. I have no reason to doubt about how You work in my life. My cup is overflowing with Your Love that it spills out unto others that they may experience it.

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me”

Your goodness and Your mercy are two things I do not deserve. You share them with me anyway. Again, yet another proof of Your Love. You give me mercy to help me to desire to seek Your goodness. Your goodness helps me to learn to be righteous, it is an example of how You desire me to live. They both teach me how to show others kindness and mercy too. This helps me to learn not to be angry or sorrowful.

“All the days of my life;”

My life in this world may be short. My life with You for eternity will not be short. What a great reminder this is that You will be there. I choose to follow You. I choose to seek You. I choose to know Your Love for me. I choose to help others to know You, that, they may have You in their life all their days.

“And I will dwell in the house of the Lord”

Even as the Psalmist said, “A day in Your Courts are better than a thousand elsewhere.” To be in Your House is where I desire to be. To worship You. To know that I am not separated from my God and my Heavenly Father.


What joy I may have to know that I will be with You forever. I pray that I may continue to seek this wisdom from You always.

Thank You Lord for loving me and reminding me of all these things. I thank You for listening to me today. I thank You for all You are doing in my life. I pray this all in Jesus Name, The One Who took my place and covered me with His Blood. Amen




If we are to please God, we need to allow The Holy Spirit to set us apart. We need to pursue a sinless life. We are to seek Righteousness. How do we do it? Through prayer, study, fellowship, being willing to be corrected/accountability, discipleship, and service.  
It starts with Our Relationship with Jesus. If you don’t have a Relationship with Him or you need to rekindle that Relationship, do it now. Call out to Him and seek his Love and Forgiveness. It really is as hard or easy as you make it. We should look to Him daily to seek a relationship with Him. I want to encourage you to seek Him today, if you haven’t already.
If you need help, have questions or need direction in this regard, please, feel free to let me know. Maybe today you are struggling with something. Maybe you may have found yourself not as close to The Lord as you thought. We would like to help you in this through prayer and guidance.
If you find yourself in need of prayer and/or encouragement, please, feel free to call or text +1 (505) 600-1027 or email cross66info@gmail.com
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If you are seeking to grow in your Faith, please check out CCF College at: www.ccfcollege.com/15.html
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