Nearly Half the People in the U.S. Feel the Coronavirus Pandemic is Harming Their Mental Health, Path to Triumphant Courage


New Mexico ranks 3rd in alcohol consumption during pandemic

This book (BIBLE) speaks both the voice of God and the voice of humanity, for there is told in it the most convincing of human experience that has ever been written, take it all in all, and those who heed that story will know that strength and happiness and success are all summed up in the exhortation, “Fear God and keep His commandments.” President Woodrow Wilson

Taken from the Founders Bible.

This breaks my heart…….that so many are turning to booze for answers… reduce stress…anxiety…..depression.

Yesterday I talked with a young man that was having a problem with anxiety. I understand. We are seeing things that we have not seen before in our lifetime. So many have died, so many people are sick, so many businesses closed, thousands without work, these are the facts. But my dear precious one, booze is not the answer. Drive your roots deeper into the promises of God. Soak in His love and Word. If I can help you, please call contact me through this website. I would love to talk to you. I have a bit of anxiety from time to time when I see the pain of the world, when I talk to people who are hurting so badly.

New Mexico ranks 3rd in alcohol consumption during pandemic

This is the time for all of us to come together in unity and help all those in need. I am hearing so many wonderful stories of people helping people. Folks delivering food to people in need so they do not have to leave their home, people COOKING meals and delivering them!!! This is America! This is the Body of Christ coming together!

I have posted this many times during this pandemic, we are so very grateful for the dedication of all medical personnel. Our daughter Gretchen is a Repository Nurse here in Albuquerque! All the Doctors, Nurses, Medical technicians, EMT’s Fire and Rescue, Law Enforcement, Researchers, Truck Drivers, Postal Workers, UPS, FED EX, Pastors and so many more heroes. We are in constant prayer for all.

I am very thankful for all the Pastors, Worship Teams, Video and Audio Technicians who are getting their Church services out to the world by Facebook, YouTube, Radio, and TV! Thank the Lord for all!

I know widows who are home bound and they pray all day for all people.

You see, we have so much to be thankful for as a nation. America is still at work, yes, its in a different way, but we are coming together to help each other, we are working for the betterment of all.

One of the things I love about our Country is that we are overcomes, as God is with us. So many people do not know the history of America. It was founded by God. Our Forefathers were overcomers of evil. Go back to the Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW I, WW II, the Depression…….take time to read American History and the Bible. I encourage you to read the Founders Bible, the Origin of the Dream of Freedom, by Historian David Barton.

We are here to help you through this time. We love you, we care about you.

Anchor to God, not man. Dig deep into His Word, His ways, His promises, you will not be swept away, He is your ROCK!

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