Fellowship of Christian Athletes Hosts ‘Day of Prayer and Fasting’ Today


Fellowship of Christian Athletes Hosts ‘Day of Prayer and Fasting’ on Tuesday, March 24

International Sports Ministry Points FCA Community Toward Daniel 9

KANSAS CITY, Mo.—As many seek the Lord during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA, www.fca.org) is creating an opportunity to unite as a family through “A Day of Prayer and Fasting” on Tuesday, March 24.


Focusing on Daniel 9, FCA will invite and engage staff, coaches, athletes, Huddle leaders, donors and friends to join together in a posture of prayer and fasting.


“During this difficult and unprecedented time, we want to engage in prayer and fasting as a community of believers,” said FCA President and CEO Shane Williamson. “In Daniel 9, we see that the desolation of his homeland caused him to fall before the Lord and pray, to confess, to praise God and to ask God for favor and mercy. By modeling this powerful example, we believe this time will unify our team, coaches, athletes and volunteer leaders around a common rallying cry during a time of increased isolation.”


FCA has created a prayer guide from Daniel 9 to enable FCA staff and community to engage intentionally in prayer and fasting. The guide will center around three main focuses: Confession, Adoration and Petition.


Teammates, we are in unprecedented times. The COVID-19 outbreak has hit every coach and athlete in both similar and unique ways. While this pandemic challenges our ways of life, we are not left without a guide. Daniel 9 shows us how to face tough times.


Most of us know Daniel as the man who survived the lion’s den. He was a lifelong servant of God who remained faithful through a multitude of trials. How did he do it? A commitment to prayer and fasting. As we’re facing our own lion’s dens today—quarantined inside our homes, disappointed about unexpected changes and uncertain of what the future might bring—we can learn some lessons from how Daniel faced his challenges in Daniel 9. He called upon the Lord and prayed three types of prayers: confession, adoration and petition.


As we turn to Daniel 9 today for a guide on confession, adoration and petition, let’s remember that we also bear God’s name. Teammates, although we’re facing incredibly challenging circumstances, let’s remember we don’t just represent our sports, clubs and leagues. We ultimately represent Christ.


Through several tools and resources, including special emails, blog posts and social media messages, FCA will provide ways for its community to join the March 24 observation. FCA leaders will also be featured in several videos where they will lead in prayer through each of the focuses of Daniel 9.


Learn more about the FCA Day of Prayer and Fasting here.


FCA has announced its 2020 ministry theme—100%—which will guide the entire year of events, studies, resources, gatherings, Camps and more. Learn more at www.fcacamps.org, where visitors can also watch the 100% theme video as well as the 2020 Camps video.


Read more about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes here, visit FCA’s website www.fca.org, or connect on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

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