He Calls You Amazing… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


He Calls You Amazing…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I look out my window this morning and the white flakes from the sky are falling. We are supposed to get 18 inches of snow today. Most places are closed and today here in our city things will be moving rather slow. Sounds of the plow truck going by reminds me that we are still in the winter season. Although the temperatures may be cold and the snowbanks high, the love of God is moving. May it move in your heart today.

I grew up with a wrong perception of God beautiful people. I thought his high position from heaven was to watch me, punish me, someone to fear. Well praise God, he revealed his true nature to me. Actually, he is still revealing his true nature to me. He is not mad at us, he loves us. He gives us guidelines to follow through the Holy Scriptures, but if we mess it up, he says I paid for that, I have it covered beautiful child of mine. Draw close, my blood was enough, is enough and will always be enough. Oh, how I love the finished work of the cross. Let’s Pray:

Father, you are a God of love. 1 John 4:8 tells us whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. You oh Lord are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. (Psalm 86:15) 

Father, you are kind and loving, drawing sinners to yourself, You cleanse lives just like the winter snow. You bring freshness, healing and deliverance to every life that will receive. We are all in need of you, Jesus, our Savior.

Father, forgive the folks that portrayed you as mean, hardhearted, the self righteous. Thank you for your mercy and grace. May we never take it for granted. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Embrace his love today, it’s amazing. He will reveal it to you as you draw close to him. Read the book of John and believe.


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