How Do You View Life, People, God and Circumstances?

So very timely Pastor Jude Sisneros! PTL!!!
Jude Sisneros

2 Corinthians 5:16″ So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view”. … My thoughts… This very scripture asks us to give an in look of our out look.. How do we view life, people , God, circumstances etc.. Etc.. Etc.. The list is to long for our view , but short for the Lords… So then my question would be how’s your vision? We need to take a God size look at that question.. Let’s take people for example.. God calls us to change the way we look at people … Not to see them as black, white, Gentiles, Jews, liberals, conservatives… Bottom line.. To label is to libel.. Bam… In our ministry, and in this world, in our lifetimes, you and I are going to always come across hurting people , discarded people , tossed out people .. Sometimes even tossed out by a church!! Oh come on somebody.. But we are left with a choice.. We get to choose.. Neglect or rescue? Label them or love them? Jesus point of view.. We know what his choice would be.. Acquiring the view of Christ.. We then began to acquire the touch of Christ.. Our hearts might be good.. But bad vision brings short term memory.. We forget how significant a touch of Christ can be.. We fear saying the wrong thing, or using the wrong tone, or acting the wrong way .. So rather than do the right things incorrectly.. We do nothing at all.. Satan likes us to do the right things the wrong way .. Our modern day lepers, the lost and bound, the unwanted ones, don’t care so much about having things, but of having someone talk to them with a kind word, they yearn for a godly touch. Bottom line.. It’s a wonderful day when we stop working for God, and begin working with God.. Jesus touched the untouchables of the world.. But his view was eternal., not external.. Change your view on life.. It starts when you close the gap between your knees and the ground.. In prayer.. That is all

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