PRAY TEAM JESUS: U.S. Takes Precautions as China’s Deadly Virus Outbreak Spreads


We are praying for good health for all, in Jesus name, Amen!

U.S. takes precautions as China’s deadly virus outbreak spreads
Passengers arriving in the U.S. from the city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak are now being screened, as officials confirm “limited” human-to-human transmission.

Read in CBS News:

Shared from Apple News

China’s post-Sars reporting system may explain long delays in announcing new cases of Wuhan virus
A rigorous testing and reporting system that China established following the Sars outbreak more than a decade ago is the most probable explanation for the long delays in confirming new cases of the virus that originated in Wuhan, according to medical…

Read in South China Morning Post:

Shared from Apple News

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