New Dreams


Sometimes our life plans get altered. For some it may be serious and/or chronic health issues, accidents, loss of family members, or as in my case, someone you love being sentenced to prison.

Like the navigation system in our cars has to recalibrate when we take a wrong turn, when the unexpected happens in our lives, we too must adjust our plans.

My aspiration for my boys was that they do well in school, earn a college degree, find gainful employment, marry a godly woman, and have children.

After my older son, Stephen, graduated from high school, his poor choices landed him in prison.

My heart ripped apart after learning of his arrest and the seriousness of the crimes. There were those who suggested that I forget about him and let him rot in prison. But then, I would remember the son I knew prior to that night. How could I ever forget about him?

At this crossroads in my life, I decided to seek the Lord and love as He loves—unconditionally.

My very first prayer after receiving the phone call about my son’s arrest came from Romans 8:28.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (NLT).

I petitioned the Lord that He take something traumatic and somehow turn it for something good.

Regardless of the consequences my son faced, even if that meant the death penalty or life in prison on this side of eternity, I did not want my son to suffer eternal separation from God.

Because of His love for us, Christ took the death penalty for each one of us. And because of that love, God promises to forgive us of our sins if we confess them. I wrote the promise from First John 1:9 out on paper and sent it to my son. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness” (NLT).

I cried out, “Lord if I have to live separated from my son in this life, I don’t want to be separated from him in eternity.”

Love for my son compelled me to write letters to him five days a week sharing God’s love. Every day I sat with my Bible in my lap determined to receive an encouraging word from the Lord. As I read familiar passages, I saw God’s words through new filters.

The Bible is filled with testimony of people our present society would label as thugs and outcasts. Many biblical heroes started out as scoundrels. The Lord redeemed and restored the lives of liars, cheaters, adulterers, thieves, murderers, womanizers, prostitutes, and prisoners and used them to fulfill His purposes. This filled me with hope, and I shared this hope we have in the Lord and His promises with my son.

Two months later, my son sent a letter with his decision to surrender his life to Christ and allow God to have control. I rejoiced at his commitment and I knew that no matter what happened, if we departed this earth or Jesus returns, we will be together in eternity.

Stephen giving his life to the Lord was the first evidence I received that the Lord brings good things out of reprehensible situations.

Because my son is serving time in prison, my dreams of seeing him earn a college degree, find gainful employment, meet a godly woman, and bring grandchildren into my life have changed.

I have new dreams. My son is receiving a different type of education and is faithfully serving the Lord inside prison. I see his life from a different perspective as well as the promises God has for him.

God shows no favoritism (see Acts 10:34). If your life has been turned upside down and inside out, the Lord will give you new dreams too!

Because of the hope I received from the Word of God I wrote a book the new dreams the Lord has given to me.

Even if you don’t have someone in prison, you may have been imprisoned by your circumstances wondering if they will ever change.

Hopelessness shackles us to despair.

In my book, Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven: Petitions for Prisoners and Prison Families, I …

  • share my testimony of the being shackled to despair and how the Lord set me free.
  • explain the Scriptures the Lord highlighted to me about HIS plan of redemption and restoration that filled me with hope.
  • included over 30 Scripture-based prayers. These prayers are not my words, as I don’t have any power. Only God’s Word changes our lives and our circumstances.

If you’ve found yourself imprisoned by despair, I encourage you to get a copy of this book. May the Lord release you from hopelessness and give you new dreams for your future!


Plead Your Case in the Courtroom of Heaven

With the slam of the gavel, the hopes and dreams for your future shatter. With a judgment rendered, you or a loved one now serve time in prison. Will another court hear your pleas?

In despair over her son’s future, Shonda Whitworth petitioned the Lord on his behalf and searched the Scriptures. Finding how the Lord redeems the worst offenders, she learned how to appeal to the heavenly court and receive hope from God for her son’s future.

In Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven, Shonda shares how she went from deferred hope to a hope-filled life. This book will help you:

  • Identify biblical heroes who were lawbreakers
  • Understand the prosecutor’s strategy
  • Make effective appeals on behalf of yourself and your loved ones

Hope will be restored as you confidently plead your case to the courtroom of heaven!

About the author:

Shonda Whitworth writes, teaches, and speaks at conferences and retreats to share the hope of healing and restoration we have in Jesus. After her son landed in state prison, she realized the hardships families of prisoners encounter. She and her husband, Eldon, founded Fortress of Hope Ministries, a nonprofit organization that offers hope to families affected by incarceration. Shonda transparently shares her testimony of living with a son in prison at and

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