Let Us Not Forget The Murder Victims in ABQ and Their families, APD Says 40 Out of 77 homicide Cases Remain Active, Some Call For Reinstatement of Death Penalty


Pray my friends….mourn, weep, prayer, cry out to the Lord for many to come to Jesus…….we are losing our city…..face the facts, please. We are a very dangerous point right now in Albuquerque, and we have been for a long time, but it is going down hill fast. Politics is not the answer, Hearts given to Jesus is the answer. What will the City look like by next Christmas? All this hell is running our beautiful City, this is not the quality of life that the Chamber of Commerce promotes or the state tourism folks.

Well most of is are gathering with family for Christmas, many families in Albuquerque have been torn apart by their loved one being killed. It has been a record year for murders here, it is pure hell for many, no way around it. I thank the local media like KOB TV and ABQ Journal for keeping tabs on these stories. I pray every Pastor will take time this Christmas to pray for these families and pray for Albuquerque. This is a very serious situation that is getting worse. Let Us Not Forget the Murder Victims in ABQ and Their Families

The Feds are coming to help fight crime in Albuquerque, the State Police helped out this past year and their is talk about 30 State Police Officers being assigned to ABQ for 1 year, is the National Guard next? Don’t dismiss this idea, It could help. People are being attacked here. We had a friend tell us about his friend who was pumping gas at a station in ABQ and a man came up to her I wanted her money, She dumped everything out of her purse as the man help a gun to her head. We have had 2 murders near our home this year, One of our friends was slugged at a gas station because he would not give money to a thug.

I have called for a week of mourning and prayer here in Albuquerque.

Remember the U.S. Marine, Matthew Gurule, that was killed here? His family and friends are calling for the Death Penalty to be reinstated. KOB TV REPORT

Past Posts:

Albuquerque’s crime is so horrible, will this help?

It looks like the Feds want to help ABQ fight crime Feds Offer ABQ Help


I know Senator Sander Rue, I have spoken with him before at National Day of Prayer at Cross of Hope here in Taylor Ranch. What do you think of his idea?


Albuquerque’s crime is so horrible, will this help?

It looks like the Feds want to help ABQ fight crime Feds Offer ABQ Help


We are so very sad………we are praying for the family……..I have never posted more about death here in Albuquerque than in 2019……..I will be doing a funeral this morning……

I have such a heavy heart for all these families that have lost loved ones….

This Albuquerque family will be without their little boy this Christmas KOB TV Report

Past Posts:

We are so very sad………we are praying for the family……..I have never posted more about death here in Albuquerque than in 2019……..I will be doing a funeral this morning……

I have such a heavy heart for all these families that have lost loved ones….

This Albuquerque family will be without their little boy this Christmas KOB TV Report

Past Posts:


It is very hard, harder than you may imagine to post news like this. I do not do it for popularity, or for a hobby, I do it because God has called me to be a watchman on the wall for him. To bring the news from a Biblical Worldview. So far this morning I have reported on two more homicides in Albuquerque and a little boy dying, a death that is very suspicious. People that abuse animals are more likely to abuse humans.

Albuquerque has turned very Satanic! We murder children though abortion, and other evil means, parents, boyfriends…killing little ones. We have a record amount of homicides, we are last in child-well being in America. Now evil has roared again in Albuquerque……with the mutilation of a kitty cat, which is pure Satanic:  KOB TV STORY

Animal abuse is a problem in Albuquerque and the whole state of New Mexico. My Vet friends tell me.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan.

I do not know what it will take to wake this City up as to Satan having his way with many.

Albuquerque, New Mexico and America must seek the face of our Lord……..REPENT! America, Bless God!

Two more homicides in Albuquerque, so very heartbreaking, and the investigation into the death of the 4-year-old boy from last week continues. This is very gut wrenching, no doubt about it. KOB TV Report

Death of Little Boy

NM ranks 50th in child well-being

Abortions continue in our City……..A Mother came all the way from Louisiana for an abortion last week………

Albuquerque, what have you become?

Where is a day of mourning for all the deceased? a week? Where is the week of prayer and fasting? Revival? We are weeping here at FGGAM again this morning……..

I would be so very touched to my soul if the Governor would order all flags at half-staff…it would honor those who have been killed in our city, homicide and abortion victims. It would help create awareness to the ungodly situation that has reached beyond a crisis, it is hell on earth.

We are in constant prayer over all this………we are moaning and groaning…..seeking the face of our Lord.

Where is the Church?

Church do you see?

Henri J. M. Nouwen

Sometimes I think of life as a big wagon wheel with many spokes. In the middle is the hub. Often in ministry, it looks like we are running around the rim trying to reach everybody. But God says, “Start in the hub; live in the hub. Then you will be connected with all the spokes, and you won’t have to run so fast.”

Listen to this program with Ethel Maharg and Vince Torres on Abortion and Assisted Suicide in New Mexico! A Must Listen for all!

Click on the link below to listen to the program.


. We are in an awful mess, only Jesus can fix this, not man. Hearts need to be given to Jesus! Life is to be  all about God, not us! Charles Stanley said this morning, “If you are in conflict with yourself, you cannot be at peace with anybody.” You see, so many of our leaders in this Country are in conflict with themselves, they are not happy, they do not have Jesus, they are not led by Jesus. We are raising up our children in a world of chaos, everywhere they look there is chaos and this affects them in so many ways, it goes into their brains, it affects their whole body. We all should be concerned what we are doing to our children, they do not know peace, I pray they do in their homes, but in America and the world, they see hate and chaos. Just this week a little 4-year-old boy died at his home here in Albuquerque, the little boy had bruises all over his body! Where Jesus is at, there is peace, seek Jesus, not man, Seek a personal relationship with Jesus, get to know true love.

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

No psychiatrist or psychologist or politician, can fix this horrible hate and chaos, only JESUS, seek JESUS. GOD is the great physician, not man! Do you know God? Share with me what you know about God. Do you know the God of the Bible? Do you adsorb the Word of God, or do you have your own opinion?

Time for a GOD check-up for the world we live in!

Are you a walking Bible?

Do people see Jesus in you?

Do you absorb the Word of God?

How are you and the Lord getting along?

Does God lead every step you take?

I keep saying, and I know this is to simple for this world we live in with all this modern technology and science, but Jesus is the answer.

Someone asked an old preacher why he kept preaching the same thing..the Preacher replied, “Son, I will preach Jesus until people “get it”

Remember, Only a fool answers a fool, hate only brings more hate, God is not a God of Chaos. Wherever you find hate and chaos, Jesus is not present in all that muck.

Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. Proverbs 26:4

As Festus would say on Gunsmoke, “Don’t ya’ see?”

Tribune Content Agency

Is our nation in danger of losing itself?

Dec 20, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy GrahamQ: Is our nation in danger of losing itself? — N.F.

A: The greatest city on earth for 1,000 years, the dominating power of the world, a city of a million and a half people and the capital of the mightiest empire the world has known, built on seven hills — that was Rome. Gibbon’s Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire lists five contributing factors in its disintegration: (1) the rapid increase and the consequent undermining of the home; (2) the craze for pleasure; (3) the building of gigantic armaments when the real enemy was within; (4) the decadence of the people; (5) the decay of religion.

That which was the contributing cause of the downfall of the great nations of the past, entered the core of the Roman way of life until in A.D. 410 when Rome fell without a battle. Where were her mighty legions, strong shields and bucklers, and her mighty generals? They were powerless under the grip of the dread disease of sin! The foundations that had made her strong had been eaten by cancerous sin.

Our greatest enemy is the internal decadence that is causing us to rush faster than any civilization before us toward destruction and Hell. As a result, thousands of young people are coming out of our educational system either as skeptics, agnostics or atheists with little or no regard for God.

A U.S. governor declared, “Our country is sick because it has forgotten God. Democracy can be saved only by the spiritual strength God gives to His people, and spiritual life is needed today as it has never been before.” No nation which relegates the Bible to the background, which disregards the love of God and flouts His claims, can long survive.

The Bible says, “[God] makes nations great, and destroys them (Job 12:23). But the Psalmist also records God’s promise: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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