Is a Sense of “Doing” Bordering on Impatience of Sin?


Tribune Content Agency

Is a sense of “doing” bordering on impatience a sin?

Oct 25, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m a doer by nature. I don’t procrastinate and have no patience with people of inaction. While my husband commends me for getting things done, he cautions that my sense of “doing” borders on impatience, which he claims is a sin, because it can push us in the wrong direction. Is that true? — I.P.

A: Patience is difficult to acquire, but it’s important to our well-being. The apostle Paul was inspired by God to list patience as a godly characteristic. He writes: “Put on … kindness, humility, meekness, and patience” (Colossians 3:12, ESV). What a wonderful thought for us to “put on” patience; to wear it well and demonstrate it faithfully.

Patience strikes a blow at our natural inclination. We want what we want NOW! When impatience threatens to overwhelm us, we can ask God to take it away and replace it with His patience, for He set an example for us to follow.

Impatience can lead to a flaring temper, fault-finding, sarcasm, and laziness. It is important that we put patience into practice in ways that demonstrate obedience to Christ. We may tend to see patience in waiting for a parking space or standing in a long line without complaining, but patience really speaks of a person’s steadfastness under provocation; enduring ill-treatment without anger or thought of revenge. Patience can also mean that we hold off on action, giving us time to gather information before making important decisions or carrying out certain deeds.

God’s patience with mankind is beyond all measure. He will enable us to show patience in our interactions with others as we hope others will grant to us in our times of anxiousness. This behavior pleases God.

“Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus” (Romans 15:5).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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