Today at FBC in Reserve: Stay Close to Jesus


Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Jon 19:16

Are you near the Cross? Are you close to Jesus?…..

That is what I am asking everyone today…

How close are you?

We do not live in an ideal world, but in a world dominated by sinful, selfish desires. What we see taking place around the globe, rebellion and protest against God, is a revolt in the sphere of the human heart concerning His truth.

Many have fallen into the world’s trap, following its self-indulgent goals and driven by its self-centered motives. It can happen without being aware of it. We must make sure that Christ is first in our lives, and make it our goal to live according to God’s Word.

The history is grim, but the future is bright. Why? Because the Bible tells us that this sin-sick, fallen world will not last forever. At the end of time God will intervene, and the new Heaven and the new earth He creates will be free from all evil and pain.

All who follow Christ as Savior look forward to that great and glorious day.

My prayer for you today and all days is that you will be so very close to Jesus that you will hear Him. That you will be covered by the Holy Spirit more than ever.

If you live in the Reserve, New Mexico area and do not have a Church home, I pray I see you this morning.

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