The Power Behind The Promise… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Power Behind The Promise…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. When God promises something and we believe it, it will come to pass. There is nothing that can change that promise to us, if we stay in faith believing. God is not a God that he should lie.

I like to sit in his presence and dream big dreams, bigger than anything I could ever accomplish. I have never been a person that could be just a Sunday Christian. I wanted to jump in with everything I had. I wanted to see if he was faithful to his promises. I like to test things, so I will know what I am talking about. I like to study women of great faith. Kathryn Kuhlman is one of my favorite. She was anything but ordinary. Her faith in God inspires me to believe bigger, dream bigger, speak bigger and receive bigger.

As I look through my prayer journal once again this morning with my goals for the year listed and see what I have obtained so far, I am blessed by his faithfulness once again. Just a few short months remaining this year to bring the rest home.

What about you? Do you need to revisit your goals today for the year? Has some fallen by the way side? Have you forgotten to dream, dream again.  Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for the open door to publishing my first book Good Morning Beautiful People, Angel’s Prayer of the Day. Thank you for another book almost ready, another successful Healing Waters Women’s Conference 2019, Believe and Be Free. Thank you for all the beautiful people I met and interviewed on my radio program Destiny Moments.

Father, thank you that dreams that had previously died, you brought them back to life again. (Thank him for his faithfulness in the dreams, goals you have obtained so far this year.)

Father, we want to finish the year well. Thank you for the open doors before us and the closed doors behind us. Great is your faithfulness. Today, we continue to declare to the world around us, in God do we trust! Amen

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Dream big, and believe in your dreams. Here’s my life verse: Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. (Acts 3:6) Write out yours and believe.

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