Rockets Fired at Israel From Gaza



Headlines from Jerusalem, 7 February 2019

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves” Romans 13:1-3


Rockets Fired at Israel From Gaza

A barrage of rockets was fired at Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip Wednesday evening, prompting retaliatory strikes on Hamas infrastructure by the IDF. In related news, the US Army confirmed on Wednesday that it is purchasing two batteries of the Iron Dome air defense system which has been proven in battle by the IDF. The Pentagon will evaluate the system to see if it is practical for use by US forces and if so, future development and unit costs for the IDF could be significantly reduced.


Iran Loses Another Satellite, Continues Threatening Israel

Reports emerged Thursday morning that an attempt by Iran’s space agency to launch a satellite into orbit around the earth failed, with the rocket carrying the satellite likely exploding on the launch pad at the Imam Khomeini Space Center in Iran’s Semnan province. Meanwhile, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah continued making threats against Israel in a speech on Wednesday which was filmed at an undisclosed location and broadcast on Hezbollah’s TV station.

Former J’lem Mayor a Big Winner in Likud Primary

Former Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat claimed the ninth spot on the Likud party’s list for the upcoming elections in party primaries on Wednesday, placing him in a good political position in the unofficial contest to eventually replace incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “It makes me emotional and shocked to see the force and the extent of the support and trust that I received from Likud members,” Barkat said. “From now on, I will serve all citizens of Israel and give them my all for the good of our dear state.”

Israel Increasing Outreach to the Arab World

In another sign of warming relations between Israel and the Sunni Arab governments in the Persian Gulf region, Israel’s Foreign Ministry re-activated an Arab language Twitter account this week, with the goal of speaking directly to the citizens of those countries. “We hope that this virtual embassy will contribute to deepening understanding between the peoples of the Gulf States and the people of Israel in various fields,” said the opening tweet posted on Tuesday.

Jews in Europe Living Under A Shadow of Anti-Semitism

The Community Security Trust, an umbrella organization representing the Jewish community in the UK, posted its annual review this week showing, among other things, that 2018 saw a record number of anti-Semitic incidents in the UK, continuing a years-long upward trend. Across the English Channel in France, an agreement was reached between the government and the US State Department to increase the stipend of Holocaust Survivors who were deported by the Vichy French regime during WWII.


The Campaign against Iran in Syria
Shmuel Even, INSS

In recent weeks Israel has declared that it will continue its policy of attacks in Syrian territory and if necessary will step up such attacks, in order to prevent Iranian military entrenchment on Syrian soil and disrupt shipments of strategic weapons from Iran to Hezbollah. The problem with the new openness is that it is liable to lower the enemy’s response threshold and force Israel to continue its attacks with greater frequency, if only to preserve its deterrence and demonstrate its freedom to act.


Tel Aviv U. Analysis – The Next Big Crisis in the Middle East

If and when the wars end, then the Middle Eastern regimes will face the same problems as their predecessors, but with greater pressures. There will be more people, in greater need of help because of the effects of war. There will be more unemployed because economic growth had been inadequate. There will be less water because of pollution, desertification and urbanization. This is not a promising scenario and the current socio-political unrest brewing in Sudan, as well as in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya and Morocco, has already been labelled “a Second Arab Spring.”


ICEJ Aid Assistance to Victims of Terrorism

The Prophet Ezekiel Calls it an “Ancient Hatred” (Ezekiel 35:5). This hatred takes pleasure in the shedding of blood and is driven by demonic forces that want to annihilate the Jewish people. It is directed against the purposes of God. As these acts of terror and violence are not likely to cease, our ministry to the Jewish people must adapt to the needs each new wave of terror brings.
Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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