Powerful, Touching Letter: Christmas is Not a Season


One of my long time friends is Karen Rowe, I met her first by working as manager of KKIM Christian Radio years ago. Karen’s brother-in-law Joe Rowe here in Albuquerque introduced me to Karen by phone. Karen and her awesome hubby, Robert, live in North Carolina. Karen started radio ministry, wrote a book, had me come to North Carolina to speak at the Revival that her and Robert held. IT WAS SO VERY AWESOME in our LORD! AMEN! Karen has written the Daily Cup for me at times and writes almost everyday here at FGGAM for God.

Karen posted this letter on December 25th, 2012……it has had a powerful and loving impact on many….so I wanted to post it again. Merry Christmas Karen and Robert and the big guy Daniel! We love you all!


I thank my Lord for the movement of the Holy Spirit what he does each day with my fingers, to type and share as He instructs me to do. I have already posted an impactful Christmas letter today……….Now I share with you an even more impactful letter for Christmas 2012 from my Dear, Dear Sister in Christ Karen Rowe,I am here to tell you this day that Karen is a messenger from God Himself, this letter will give you and yours much encouragement in our Lord Jesus Christ………

Christmas is not a season. By Karen Rowe

Christmas is not a season; Christ is the reason we have a Christmas-time!
I hope to share something that will glorify God and make a difference in the focus of your holiday traditions.
After Note: I struggled about whether to share this, but then I would be making the decision for you. Instead I put this in the good Lord’s hands and do my little part. This began with a recent revelation about a specific part of the Lord’s Prayer, “lead us not into temptation” –I have always wondered why we are taught to pray to God and ask him not to lead us into temptation, because God does not lead us into temptation –God leads us to be blessed! God also teaches us that above all things we get to get understanding! The Holy Spirit brought understanding to me; and as always, just as I needed to know! When we pray, Father, Lead us not into Temptation, we are praying for spiritual discernment and God’s divine Wisdom to lead us away from temptations that will come to us! In ministry, I recently needed to learn this and a greater understanding come to me –and I was protected; I learned a valuable lesson! Also, with this Christmas message, I have recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and I wanted to share the joy of Christmas that is with me through this difficult time; and this is how it all flowed from my heart! Afterwards, I found this quote from the Daily Bread –it just seemed to perfectly fit. I hope this will be a blessing to you. Let us begin with The Daily Bread:
–From the Daily Bread Nov 16, 2012:
“Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible. Make each day your masterpiece. Pray for guidance, and give thanks for your blessings every day.”
“Jesus, in what we often call the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13), taught us to approach our heavenly Father each day; it’s not something to be said once and forgotten. Through it we offer God praise (v.9); seek His kingdom and His will (v.10); trust His provision (v.11); and ask for His forgiveness, power, and deliverance (vv. 12-13).”

Let us pray The Lord’s Prayer–will you join me in saying the Lord’s Prayer –as I lead from the Scriptures and my heart as I listen and pray in detail. Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version (KJV)
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Hear our Honor and Praise, dear Father, which is to you –and is to your holy, powerful and wonderful Name!
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Your Kingdom has come –Jesus come near; and live in me and I in you. Father, Your Perfect, Honorable, Noble, Righteous and Trustworthy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven; and we trust you –we roll our works upon your Son, our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ –for His Yoke is easy and His burden is light –as we commit and trust our works wholly to the work of the Holy Spirit –and then we know our thoughts will become agreeable to your will Father God! We confess that our mind will try to plan its own way, but we submit our will to yours Father –Lord direct our paths and keep them straight.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
Give us this day, which Father God, you have called Today, our daily bread –the Gospel of Jesus Christ; Your living and written Word made perfect through Jesus Christ, Your Son –and our Savior and Lord.
12 And forgive us our debts, …
By our knowledge of your Perfect Will, bring to our mind our knowledge of our debts / trespasses that have led us away from your Kingdom. Lord Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit show me any err of my ways that may have lead me away from your Perfect path in step with the Holy Spirit, so that I can walk strong with you in the Kingdom of Righteousness –which is possible and is the only path made in absolute and complete truth, by the blood of Jesus Christ –your Son! Thank you dear Lord Jesus!!!

… as we forgive our debtors.
NOTE: you can skip the next couple of pages and continue praying the Lord’s Prayer of “deliver us from evil” … if you have no issues with patience with people or patient endurance through situations.
I personally take my time to walk through my heart with God’s eyes. If my heart comes out clean then great, but if it comes out purified in Jesus then wow, I stand in awe of God for bringing to my attention my blindness, so I can see the truth in my heart and be set free by God’s grace alone!
I share because I care…not to put down, but rather to stand tall together as we together search our hearts with God, according to be lead in the Lord’s Prayer. God’s truth is this powerful!
My life motto is: I don’t have it all figured out, BUT God does…Follow Jesus” & I wish I could apologize for the length, but instead I don’t take credit, so I can’t apologize either. Blessings as you Lord willing continue to read and pray in the Spirit of God.

12 And forgive us our debt, as we forgive our debtors.

Thank you Father for my complete forgiveness (atonement for my sins) and the absolute freedom in the Spirit of Truth! And as we know these things, still Father we know our weakness is our ignorance by nature (our lack of knowledge to know… until we know to do better), so we take this time to pray, but mostly listen for your voice to reveal our own heart to us, so we can change and experience Christmas joy year round.

Now that we know our forgiveness Father, according to your Living and Written Word, we know we need to (first) ask for your help in forgiving others, our debtors –please bring to our mind those we (also) need to forgive –as we let go of that hold and give it all to you –like you have already made our way of forgiveness for us …
We ask for Your Wisdom from heaven, which is first of all pure –thank you Holy Spirit for empowering and equipping us! There is a real love you pour into our hearts, which flows with power and freedom to overcome all things! Father you do not leave us double-minded like the wisdom from below will … we submit our will to your thoughts Father God!
Help us and teach us so we can learn how to simply trust you Our Father God and follow your Son, as our friend Jesus!

Thank you Father for giving us also your Word! – As we also pray in the Spirit, it is good to read the Scriptures –Study/Reference Scriptures for Today: James 3:13-18, [wow and James 1] and also John 14:1; Proverbs 16:9-11! Thank you Father for your Word –The Bible truly is our instruction to help to us in all things!

Father, we confess it is hard sometimes; and we need your help. We can love like you –a love which clearly says to us – If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18-NIV) and we confess we know you say, Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone (NLT).”
Lord Jesus, help us not to judge people when they fall short of our expectations, because it affects me, others and my ability to pray for others. Judgment is Yours God! –Instead, we ask for discernment in our own behavior; and with our higher knowledge in our Father’s Knowledge, we can be patient with others and reflect patience through all situations.

Let nothing I do cast judgment on another’s head to hold them down or make them feel unworthy to come to you, as far as it depends on me. Lord, we desire to be obedient to the Holy Spirit in all ways –and to forgive those who have trespassed against us. Just as I have asked in your kind and patient love for your Kingdom’s Presence in my soul, spirit and household, I also pray for those who have offended me …
Lord show me if there are any bitter roots or motives in my heart of envy or selfish ambition –that I may hold that is keeping me against your Kingdom’s pureness –and by your power who lives in me, I will rise above!
Father we know that we are equipped for this kind of love and forgiveness through the power of the Holy Spirit, whom has come to us by the blood and life of Jesus Christ our LORD.
We confess that we need to first know the agape (unconditional)love of our Father,
and then also to show –kindness and patience (patient endurance), which is sacrificial love toward others (goodwill toward men)
–As we remember Matthew 5:24 in which you teach the importance of a pure heart…
and also reveal to us the need we have to be purified
–as we pass through every test and trial
–we can remember to do the right thing always …

The Word of God:
“leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.” And Romans 14:19, “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.
With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).
A Smile in Jesus …
“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes (Mark 9:23).”

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