People Remember Whether You Cared for Them or Not


God is so good to me! He sent me affirmation today from a man who worked for me over 20 years ago in the radio station business in ABQ. The young man said, “I’ve always looked to you as a father figure” Thank You Lord! It’s been very stressful the last 3 months or so in ministry trying to meet the needs of many. Today’s call was fuel in my tank! People remember how much you cared years and years ago when they needed help. I know, I remember all those who have helped me in my 62 years and I have been in the pay back mode now for years and until the Lord calls me home. I pray I finish strong for the Lord.

I want to add that the man who called me now manages a huge Sports and Wellness Center in Dallas, I have many who I was blessed to coach that have had huge successes! PTL!!! All for God’s Glory!

I do not like the word “manage”, we are to coach people.

I believe the Lord sends people into our lives for a reason. We are to treat them with the love and guidance of our Lord.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

I am blessed to still keep my fingers in radio by being the host of House of Hope Radio and also as a consultant to WFRN Christian Radio in South Bend/Elkhart, Indiana.

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