Somebody Shout Hallelujah…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Somebody Shout Hallelujah…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I smile this morning as I listen to the recording of my grandson saying hallelluyah. His sweet soft voice trying to get all the syllables together, exclaimed halleluyah! Oh, the joy of children. Let’s Pray:


Father, thank you for the innocence of children. Birth was your idea from the very beginning of time. This Christmas may love abound in the hearts of people. That no child would be forgotten. That no person would go hungry. That hearts would heal from the pain of brokenness. That kindness would be sprinkled everywhere. That the gifts given in love would be just right. That forgiveness would be present. That our hearts would be tenderized by the magic of the season all year long. That addictions would be broken. That life would be good for everyone. That’s my prayer once again for our world. Peace on earth and good will to everyone. May it begin with each of us today. May the spirit of Christ that dwells within us rein on the earth today. Hallelujah!

Father, thank you for pouring out your spirit on our land once again. Awaken the hearts of mankind. May the light of Christ shine brightly across the seven continents of the world like never before. Oh, Emmanuel how blessed we are to carry your presence to a hurting world. Holy Spirit lead us this day. May the light that is within us beam brightly to all we meet. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Jesus is with us. Shout Hallelujah!



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