Sarah Palin Visits Minneapolis: Sarah vs. Hillary in 2016?


sarah 2She sure rattles the cages of the Democrats, she is treated so badly by a lot of the secular media and in my mind, the Men from the Republican Party do not stand up for her! But I understand now, she has more backbone than most, if not all of them! It would have been a Hoot to be in Minneapolis last night, the city where I went to for Radio/TV School, to hear her speak! Pastor Paul tell’s me it’s too early to talk 2016, I don’t think so! Anyhow I want to look past the awful train wreck Obama has caused! He is the worst President in our history! he should be impeached! Anyhow, what do you think, Sarah vs. Hillary? Here’s what Sarah posted last night:   Thank you, Minneapolis! What a fun, festive crowd tonight at the Mall of America; I want your energy! It was…

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