Life With Isaac-Musher


Genesis 21:6 And Sarah said, “God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me.” (NASB)

Here is another story from my friend Marcy. Be blessed and enjoy!

Isaac has watched a movie called “Snow Buddies”. He loves it. He has been begging for an “Alaskan Husky”. We told him that we can’t have one here (Ohio) because it is too warm for that kind of dog here. We told him those kinds of dogs are happy where there is a long winter with lots of snow.

Saturday Steve and I watched part of the movie with him. While sitting on the couch he said, “Dad, Mom, we have to move back to Maine. God made me to be a musher. I can feel it in my bones.”

At kids church Sunday he announced to the whole class, “We are moving back to Maine so I can get a husky and be a musher. We are moving in four years.”

Sunday afternoon, he was in the back yard yelling, “Hike! Hike! Gee! Haw!” Steve and I looked out the window to see what he was doing. He had found a red ribbon and tied it to a two foot long 2×4, wound it around Smokie (the beagle) to make a harness and tied it to his collar. He was yelling commands to Smokie to ” train him to pull a dogsled”. It was so cute. I think we may have a real musher on our hands!

Proverbs 15:13a A joyful heart makes a cheerful face…(NASB)

Proverbs 17:22a A joyful heart is good medicine…(NASB)

I want to share a little story of my own: I had the pleasure of meeting four time Iditarod winner, Martin Buser when he went to far northern Maine with Todd Palin in 2008. I sensed a kindness about him.

When Marcy sent this email to me, I just knew I had to contact Martin. I wrote him a letter and shared this story, and enclosed a picture of Isaac and his beagle, Smokie. He wrote back to Isaac and sent him some pertinent information on training sled dogs! He also enclosed his phone number and told Isaac to call if he had any questions! Well, Isaac did call him and  Marcy told me they talked for quite a while.  Praise God for a very kind champion dog musher for taking the time to encourage a little boy. Isaac was six.

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