You Are Not Alone…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


You Are Not Alone…


Good morning beautiful people. Life is such a journey. I meet so many people that feel all alone. It is so important that they know the truth, that they do not have to journey life by themselves.

The enemy of my soul tried to make me believe that lie too. I remember one time I was living out in the country by myself and I felt like I had nothing and nobody. I had left the familiar in hopes of finding peace from a painful situation. During this time I found the truth with my walk with God. I was not alone. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that you never leave us nor forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5) You are our God and we are Your people. Today, for anyone that feels alone may they talk with you about it. Reveal truth to them we pray.

You oh God, are a good Father. You died for us when we were yet lost and in sin. Your life was the price that was paid so we could have life and life more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Thank you today for revelation knowledge that mankind is not left alone. We have an amazing opportunity to journey life with Jesus, the lover of man’s soul. Thank you for removing the scales from eyes today that feel all alone. We tear down that lie they are believing and bring the truth of the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. You are not alone.


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