Three, Two, One. It’s Paid For… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Three, Two, One. It’s Paid For…

Good morning beautiful people. Three dark days, but they couldn’t hold Him down. Thank you God, for the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Lives forever changed because our redeemer lives. Nothing could then and nothing cannot now or will ever be in the future able to destroy the All Powerful, Anointed, Holy One, Jesus, Light of the World. He paid the price. He willingly laid down His life that we could have it. Notice. I say willingly.


Father, thank you for Jesus. He made a public spectacle of our enemy. He defeated him at the cross. He paid the price for mankind’s sins. Love so amazing. Oh, the love of my Father.

The Love of My Father…

Oh Father, your love for me is so hard to comprehend, you died for me when I was yet a sinner.

Love you had no boundaries, you took my sin and you made me whole again.

Such love, the love of my Father.

When I chose the path of the evil one, you loved me and led me to your path again.

Such love, the love of my Father.

When I cried because of all the pain, you healed my pain and removed my shame. Oh such love.

Where others wounded me, you bound up my wounds and filled me with joy.

Such love, the love of my Father.

When I needed guidance, you left me your Word and you’re Holy Spirit, such love.

The love of my Father.

Whatever the future holds for me is in your hands, for your love for me has made me whole.

My Father you say in your Word that the footsteps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord. That’s my future because of the love of my Father.

By Angel L. Murchison

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