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PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193

Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede:
My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24 


To Dewey’s Daily Cup

Dear Family of the Daily CUP and FGGAM,

I do not mean to bother you all with my situation, but for the last few months I have been having some health problems.
I have been very busy getting ready for the Windom Revival and my regular work for the Lord.

I am up at 3am to work on the website. My body has taken a heavy hit this year, with all my traveling to Reserve, which I am
called to do. My blood pressure is excellent, so I am getting better. I also carry the burdens of many.

I have been having my hands go to asleep and sometimes my left arm. I have seen 3 Doctors. It seems the focus is on a pinched nerve in my neck area and I’m working on my posture and have adjusted my computer work station. Please pray for my healing. I am a bit better. I also am having a challenge in finding a permanent physician.

I am doing new exercises, which include stretching.

Sharon’s health is better, thank you for your prayers. Homeopathic care has really helped her! PTL! Our oldest doggy Reno goes in for an ultrasound on Saturday to look for a possible tumor.
Please pray for him. His calcium is way up, other than that he is in great health. Runs like a puppy!

Christians – Don’t unite around your hatred, but rather unite around your love for Jesus, His Word and His church. Our opinions and anger are not going to change the world. We’ve got to love Jesus and out of our love for Jesus, He transforms our hearts. It is transformed hearts filled with the love of God that is going to change the world.

We would shine such a light in this nation if we came unified around this nation for Jesus.

~Christine Caine, Catalyst Conference, Atlanta, GA

Thanks to Tracie Miles for sharing this, God Bless you Tracie.

From the Desk of Franklin Graham
RRT Chaplains Praying With WomanAnswering the Question ‘Is God Mad at Me?’

Dear Friend,

Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria have caused destruction and human heartache on a massive scale. Crisis-trained chaplains from our Billy Graham Rapid Response Team have poured into South Texas and Florida, and they will deploy to Puerto Rico the moment conditions make it practical.

A team has also deployed to Las Vegas in the aftermath of the horrific shooting massacre there.

People struggling through a storm or enduring tragedy sometimes ask, “Is God mad at me? Maybe I did something wrong, and God is judging me.” I don’t believe that. If there is sin in our lives, we urgently need to repent of it, but storms are going to come in life.

Jesus Christ went through the storms of life. Storms often cause us to refocus our priorities, and that is important because our relationship with God is the highest priority.

For those who put their trust in Christ, we know that no matter what the storm is—whether it’s a hurricane or a storm of cancer or grief or anything else—God loves us and He cares.

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Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham
President & CEO
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Partner With Us

Partner With Us

Many Americans don’t know that salvation and lasting hope come only by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Franklin Graham will preach the Gospel in seven cities across Texas starting October 11. Your prayers and gifts are vital for continuing to reach people who need new life in Christ.

Our Gift to You 
Flying Blind DVDIt’s not just the lost who need repentance—believers must stay alert to “sin which so easily entangles us” (Hebrews 12:1, NASB). Our brand-new video Flying Blinduses real-life stories to show the power of repentance and the wonder of restoration. In appreciation of your prayers and support, the DVD is available this month with our prayer that it will be a blessing to you.

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A ministry of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201

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