Church Bells

church bells 2Dear family of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Silver and Gold Have I NonePeter and John went to pray.
they met a lame man on the way
He asked for alms and held out his palms,
and this is what Peter did say”
Silver and gold have I none,
but such as I have give I you.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, in Jesus’ name rise up and walk.
The man went walking and leaping and praising God,
Walking and leaping and praising God,
“In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, In Jesus’ name rise up and walk
Amen and Amen!!! Thanks to Darlene Quiring for sharing that with us! She stated that her kid’s used to sing that in the back seat of the car! 
1 Timothy 2:8 (NLT) “In every place of worship, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy.”
This morning the Lord was showing me silence  There is so much NOTHING NOISE going on in the world, no wonder so many don’t hear the Lord!
What I would like you to do this morning after having a CUP with me would you please read this? Have another CUP while you read my new column, Small Town Working Class Views, find out about this title and the  current events God had me write about today, by the way Current Events was my favorite class in High School along with History! please go here, it is a MUST READ:
So after I wrote that this morning for FGGAM.ORG, God impressed upon me to be quiet and had me turn to this page in Jesus Calling:
I am with you, I am with you. I am with you. Heaven’s bells continually peal with that promise of My Presence. Some people never hear those bells because their minds are earthbound and their hearts are closed to Me. (America today) Others hear the bells only once or twice in their lifetimes, in rare moments of seeking Me above all else. My desire is that My “sheep” hear My voice continually, for I am the ever-present Shepherd.
Quietness is the classroom where you learn to hear my voice. Beginners need a quiet place in order to still their minds. As you advance in this discipline, you gradually learn to carry the stillness with you wherever you go. When you step back into the mainstream of life, strain to hear those glorious bells: I am with you, I am with you, I am with you.
Please read Jeremiah 29: 12-13, John 10:14, 27-28
I have preached a lot on hearing God. We must have a close personal relationship with Him.
One of the stories that I shared with you all back at the end of December of last  year was when I was going home from preaching at the Quemado, NM Baptist Church. Bells rang out in my car for about 30 minutes! I thought it was my radio, no it was off, I then thought it was coming from my phone, No it was not! God gave me a concert of Church bells! Both times I returned from Quemado for about 30 minutes the concert of Church bells would sound! I asked my mentor’s what that could mean, and they all said, because God is pleased with you, He gave you that concert, He is with you. God knows I love the sound of Church bells!
That comes from a close personal relationship and when I was driving in the car by myself on that long trip, I had the radio off, and I was mediating on the Lord…… he sent me a concert!
Then for the next two weeks in Albuquerque He would sound those Church bells again and again for shorter amounts of time.
The other day I thought I faintly heard the bells again…….I need to be more quiet to hear them clearly again and mediate fully on the Lord.
I miss the sound of Church bells across America! Why did we stop?
I pray that this CUP today has encouraged you! 
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey, Sharon, Paul, Jo and families
Visit us today!www.fggam.orgIf you would like to support the much needed work of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, Dewey Moede, and Dewey’s Daily Cup please consider giving a financial gift.  You can securely give by clicking on this link- then scroll down the page to securely give through PayPal

. Be assured my friends, your gift will be of the greatest help in furthering the ministry work the Lord has laid upon us to carry out in His Holy Name. 

Thank you,
Dewey Moede

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