He Won’t Let Go Beautiful People…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


He Won’t Let Go Beautiful People…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBg9jHQtE44&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for hope. Your Word tell us in Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill us  with all joy and peace as we trust in You, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for bringing hope today to people across this globe. Amen

I purchased a picture that had these words penned on it.


The people stood in the church and prayed, Lord send us revival. Then a rushing, mighty wind blew through the sanctuary and the people raised their hands and clapped and sang; but the revival was not in the wind.  Then the people sat and prayed again, Lord send us revival. And suddenly the church began to shake, the walls vibrated, the stain glass windows rattled and the church was shaken to its very foundation until the people trembled. But the revival was not in the shaking. So the people got down on their knees and they cried to the Lord, Please send us revival. And they confessed their sins upon the altars of their hearts, they wept with broken contrite spirits and they interceded for their brethren. Then a fire swept through the church and raced up and down the pews igniting every heart. And in the flame the still small voice was heard saying Go, My People, Go.

Then the people stood and left the building their hands had made. They looked upon the ruin before them. And they obeyed. They went to heal the broken hearts and set the captives free. They visited the sick and made homes for the homeless. They fed the hungry, comforted the lonely and preached the gospel to the poor. Then there was revival.

If you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me…Jesus


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ANGEL MURCHISON is a writer as well as a radio talk show host of Destiny Moments. Every Saturday at 12:05 pm eastern standard time on WFST 600 AM Caribou, Maine or by streaming audio you can tune in to her weekly broadcast and be encouraged to take your next step in fulfilling your greatness for Christ. Angel interviews real people with real issues and a real destiny. Through her writing and radio ministry, she encourages people to lay down their pasts. Angel believes God has placed greatness in all mankind through the gifts and talents He has given each one according to the Word of God. Using the gift she has been given, she connects people all across this globe and desires for all to work together in making the world a better place and building the Kingdom of God. She believes prayer is vital to transforming lives and communities. She is the mother of three daughters and eight grandchildren.

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