It’s been a long week, a long battle for the Sanctity of Marriage in New Mexico and Our Country

Here is a note from New Mexico Watchman Jose Vasquez: It’s been a long week Pastor Dewey.  As you know the Supreme Court hearing did not go well. (same sex marriage proceedings) An absents of godly intent was glaringly apparent.  We are praying for God’s miraculous grace on the state and the state’s Supreme Court.
Jose Vasquez
I am including a picture of me and my Dear brother Jose who I love much. He is also a Board Member of FGGAM. We adore his lovely wife Miki who has much fire for God, I pray more get Miki’s fire!
 Let me just say that Brother Jose is a true man of God, a pure, precious man of God as is his wife Miki. We need more Jose’s and Miki’s. They stand in the gap for God at the New Mexico State Capitol at all times, true Watchmen on the Wall!
This is a tiring battle, but we must stand strong. I can tell too many so called Christians are giving up. I see it in their faces when I Preach it, we see it here at FGGAM.ORG, many are reading the posts on Abortion but far less on same sex marriage, as they believe it is inevitable.
Just a side note here, awhile back I had a man say, “Good sermon, but you surprised me by preaching on abortion, why would you preach on abortion in the church?”
It may be because the Church has stood by and watched 50 million babies be killed.
We are at, where we are at, because Christians have not stood strong,
You could say, we are getting what we asked for as a result of being the “Sit More do little Church”Jose Vasquez
As I have shared of late: Problems always begin when people gather together in their own wisdom apart from God’s power and presence.
We see the results of this all around the United States of America, there is no hiding these sinful ways.
  Thousands of gay marriage opponents rallied in Illinois at the capital Wednesday, trying to convince lawmakers to vote against Senate Bill 10, which will allow gay couples to marry.  House Sponsor Greg Harris says he’s actually close to getting the votes he needs, but he hasn’t said when he’ll call the bill.
What will Christians do? What are you going to do?
Let us be in prayer for the sanctity of marriage and that many more will stand in the gap for God on marriage and abortion, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!
Please visit Jose and Miki at the Barnabas Institute in Santa Fe, NM:

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