NM Watchman Update From The Legislature

New Mexico Watchman Jose Vasquez


                                                                                 Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Dear Praying Friends,
Despite the score board that would show two very important bills being defeated in Sunday’s Public Affairs Committee hearing, Ending Late Term Abortion and Parental Notification of Abortion, the good news is that a rousing church service was held at the Roundhouse, with a number of people staying for the committee hearing that followed.
The church service in the Capitol Rotunda received national publicity.  The story was picked up by Charisma Magazine.  (See  https://www.charismanews.com/opinion/63470-is-this-historic-worship-gathering-part-of-james-goll-s-prophesied-west-coast-rumble).  The service was an affirmation that “We the People, Under God,” are the government.
Despite the bills being tabled, Rep. Rod Montoya assured everyone that forward progress on life legislation was not over this session.  Rep. Montoya plans to introduce a House Memorial to continue the discussion.
A major incident occurred when Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero claimed her Catholic faith and voted against the life bills.  “My vote can not be questioned,” she said, “I was raised Catholic by the Sisters of Loretto.”  The comment drew a response from New Mexico’s Archbishop John Wester.  See https://www.lifenews.com/2017/03/07/archbishop-on-lawmaker-who-voted-against-ban-on-late-term-abortions-cant-be-catholic-and-pro-abortion/.  You simply can not be Catholic and pro-abortion.
Please continue to pray for our Legislature and its members.  May the Lord intervene in a miraculous way in these final days.
New Mexico Watchman
The New Mexico Legislative Website is https://www.nmlegis.gov/ .  Click on “WEBCAST” when the committee is in session to view the proceedings.

From Pastor Dewey Moede: Thank you to my Dear Sister in Christ Cathy from the FBC in Reserve, New Mexico for heading up this meeting at 2pm on Sunday March 12th in Reserve! My Dear Sister in Christ Laura Rosecrans from The HUB of New Mexico will be one of the speakers! Dan Rosecrans, myself and Pastor Ricky Gordon will also be there!

I just posted this today at FGGAM:

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

From Elisa Martinez, Executive Director NM Alliance for Life: “I’m glad the Bishops of NM have addressed this: “It is not morally permissible for a Catholic to support abortion or doctor assisted suicide.” Period. Three years ago Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino lectured us how he, as a “Catholic” could not support our bill, the late-term abortion ban, since “nowhere in the Bible does it say abortion is wrong”!There was a collective gasp in the room at this outrage. Just this Sunday, Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero stated she was taught by the Loretto nuns and her conscience does not allow her to vote for a late-term abortion ban. Thank God this is being exposed and I pray for the conversion of these wayward souls.”

Thank you Elisa for bringing this information to light. Go to New Mexico Alliance for Life to donate to help keep Elisa and her team going in working for life and to see all that is going on when it comes to abortion and the climate of death in New Mexico.

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Official


NMCCB Statement on the Dignity of Human Life
March 6, 2017

We the bishops of the State of New Mexico speak for the Catholic Church. We work to uphold the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death through our pastoral ministries and through our legislative advocacy via the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops. We encourage individuals to live and proclaim their faith; however, they must be steadfast in stating they speak for themselves and do not speak for the Catholic Church.

Recently, statements have been made by some Catholic legislators regarding abortion, doctor-assisted suicide and the Catholic Church. These statements may be confusing to the Catholic faithful and do not represent the teachings of the Church. It is not appropriate for elected officials to publicly invoke their Catholic faith and to present their personal opinions as official Church teaching. This misrepresents Church teaching and creates a public scandal for the faithful. Furthermore, this action publicly separates a person from communion with the Catholic faith.

We acknowledge that there are Catholic legislators who advocate and vote for some issues that are of moral importance to Catholics, including concern for poor people and immigrants. We applaud their work giving voice to the voiceless. However, we are concerned by public statements by some legislators that seem to say that a faithful Catholic can support abortion or doctor-assisted suicide. Support for abortion or doctor-assisted suicide is not in accord with the teachings of the Church. These represent the direct taking of human life, and are always wrong. Furthermore, we are convinced that proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most effective way to change hearts and minds so that one day the scourge of abortion will be eliminated. Our message is consistent: All human life is sacred, from the moment of conception to natural death, and must be protected. As Pope Francis reminds us, “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in His own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect (7/17/13).” It is not morally permissible for a Catholic to support abortion or doctor-assisted suicide.

We also acknowledge that God’s forgiveness is always available to us if we seek it, so that we may heal our soul and be reconciled with God, the Church and others. This is the case with abortion. Those who have had an abortion, participated in an abortion, or otherwise supported an abortion need to seek reconciliation with God and the Church through the sacrament of reconciliation. The Project Rachel ministry of the Catholic Church offers this hope for healing and reconciliation to men and women who have had or participated in an abortion.

We want to be clear. Individuals and groups do not speak for the Catholic Church. As bishops, we do. The Archdiocese of Santa Fe, the Diocese of Las Cruces and the Diocese of Gallup continuously preach Jesus’ Gospel of Life in public and in private meetings with legislators. We visit the New Mexico Legislature when it gathers and host a time when together the priorities of the Church are made known to the legislators. We take the Gospel to the public square in public meetings and hearings as well as in private meetings and conversations with elected officials. We pray for all legislators and through the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops are here to aid in the formation of consciences. We will continue to collaborate with many others to uphold the dignity of the human person through a consistent ethic of life from conception to natural death

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