Prayers For DeEtta, Darlene and Gerhard


Yesterday Sharon and I we celebrated our wedding anniversary, but found that our hearts and prayers were also with DeEtta Coe as the funeral for her hubby and my Dear, Dear Friend Ken was yesterday…I was sadden that I was unable to go to the service, but I was able to record a message in tribute to Ken and DeEtta and what they have meant to me and what they have done for the Laporte County area. True friends!
Sharon and I also have our hearts and prayers with Darlene Fick Quiring and her Hubby Gerhard, as he recovers from a heart attack. We love you all! Our prayers our with you all. We remember all the sweet things you have done!
May we all love each other as Jesus intends us to.

When I read this from Darlene very early this morning…..I wept…….

Here I am sitting in a Motel room when I should be sleeping. It is going to be a short night. Lots of planning to do before we go home. Things to pray about to be specific. Can’t keep blood pressure up. Chest X rays today to check fluid in lungs and very painful cough. Also check to see how many ribs are broken. He also has one artery that can not be fixed with a Stent and may need further surgery. They call it a severe blockage but won’t do anything until it reaches the critical stage. Pray that we will get more answers tomorrow.

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