There’s a hole in my bucket (list)


I still want to be in a movie.  A super hero movie would be preferable. Or, if I really get my secret desire, I want to learn a complicated dance number that is somehow incorporated into a super hero movie–and have it not be ridiculous.

A hot air balloon ride is a something I want to experience.

I want to run into someone famous, invite them over for dinner, and have them accept.

These items are all on (in?) my bucket list.  There have been other desires, but over time, I’ve either lost a bit of my spunk, or they simply don’t hold the same appeal as they once did.  I supposed my bucket has a bit of a leak.

Interestingly, there have been other things I’ve had the privilege of experiencing that I never even dreamed of.   I’ve become the Executive Director of a non-profit organization.  I was able to guest host a national radio program, and even have another shot coming up later this month.

I recognize that I’ve been able to experience many things that others have on their list, that I too often take for granted.  I’m married to an amazing man and our love has only increased over the years.  I have two healthy children who are intelligent and independent.  We own a home and cars, have electricity and clean, running water.

Of course I have goals and dreams that I’d like to accomplish.  I do want to become a published author.  I want to use my gift of storytelling in a successful way, through blogging, podcasting or radio.  I still want dance to become a regular part of my life.  These are unlikely to be checked off in the near future, but they remain solidly engraved on my list.

As you examine your bucket, if you find that you too have a hole, don’t get discouraged.  That hole may have allowed some nonessentials to escape, making room for items uniquely crafted for you to experience.

Today is the first Monday of 2017 and as I look at the calendar ahead, it’s a little daunting.  There will likely be more difficulties than I want to deal with, but also unexpected joys and opportunities.  My personal challenge is to face whatever comes with grace and love.  I will carry my leaky bucket with me as I go.

May your 2017 be a year that is full of love, forgiveness, friendship and growth.  Make your plans and dream your dreams, but be flexible.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned about looking at a new year, it’s that it won’t end up looking like what you’ve imagined.


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