Lying Shaken, Dismantled, and Wounded on the Cold Hard Ground

accusersWritten by our Dear Friend, Nicole Richardson Bryan:
Lying shaken, dismantled, and wounded on the cold hard ground at the feet of a Man she has yet to know. She hears the voices of those who accuse her ringing in her ears in such hurtful and deafening tones that she feels the pain of each one as if the stones they were holding in vengeance had already been thrown. She braces for what she has determined to be the only vindication for her most dreadful and sorrowful act of sin and that vindication is death. She listens as the Man challenges those who cry out for her to die to cast the first stone if they are eligible. She looks up just enough to see His finger drawing in the sand and then only seconds later she feels the ground vibrating with the dropping one by one of each of the rocks that would condemn her and with each one that falls she hears the sounds of footsteps walking away. It is in that moment she hears the only voice that will ever matter. The voice of the only vindication she will ever need. The voice of One so unfamiliar to her mind yet so very familiar to her soul. He asks her “Where are your accusers? Has no one condemned you?”  Lifting her tired, worn, and shaking body from the ground, much to her surprise sees no one but she and the Man who has rescued her. She answers “No one Lord”. Gently He raises her chin so that she can see into eyes so full of compassion and love and she hears the voice of her salvation say “neither then do I…..”
These are the words I am pondering over and over again in my heart as I pray for the life of a Pastor’s wife and her family that has been shattered and broken by sin. I know that I have been in the place of this woman in His word who has been encircled by those who would love to tear apart her life and bring what they consider to be justice. I know that shamefully at times I have also been the one holding the stone in judgement as well. No one has the right to bring such heartache and pain to those that are already in such deep suffering that their very soul would seem to ache endlessly. Neither does anyone have the right to extinguish the last bit of light that a wounded and broken reed has left to hold onto. Jesus ended His conversation with the woman by saying “I am the Light of the world and those that follow me will never walk in darkness but have the Light of life”. This family, this wife, this woman is in darkness today as the world would see it, but in the Kingdom of God they are being held by light and love itself.
We are all broken. We are all in a war. We are all in need of a Savior. Broken, bruised, torn, exhausted, bloodied and scarred by the battle that rages, but we are also being restored, strengthened, held, and we are being loved…. Loved past our faults, through our struggles, and beyond our failures and sin. Loved with a passion so deep that it died that we might live. Today, be kind to those who are lying on the ground covered in the dirt and mud of their hurts and shortcomings. Extend to them what you would need if it were you in their place. Reach out to them with the gifts of grace, mercy, favor, forgiveness, understanding, but most of all with the gift of uncondtional love. It is the only thing that covers all and it is the only things that ever will….   


  1. Thank you for allowing me to share. God has a beautiful way of pouring out His love if we just hold the pen while He writes the words on people’s hearts. Be blessed and know that God will always restore to Him what is His.

  2. A good reminder for us ALL; especially me! Oh how easy it is to stray but if we ask, HE will lead us back to the light!!!

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