Putin Wants to Monitor U.S. Presidential Election


We must be on our knees praying for America, we must pray against evil. Putin, the man who slaughters woman and children in Syria. Putin, the man who hacks the U.S. internet. Putin, the man who is best friends with Satanic Assad and Iran.

In the news
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Washington (CNN) Three states have said “nyet” to a Russian request to send its diplomats …

More news for Russians at US Polls

Russia wants to monitor the U.S. presidential elections – Salon.com



2 days ago – Russia has proposed sending diplomats to our country in order to monitor the upcoming presidential elections. Not surprisingly, this suggestion …

Russia Wants To Monitor “Rigged” US Presidential Elections | Zero …


Zero Hedge

20 hours ago – As USA Today writes, the US often sends monitors to observe elections in other countries with a history of voter fraud. Izvestia said Russia …

Russia | Gallup Historical Trends



… or very unfavorable? Please say whether you consider Russia an ally of the United States, friendly, but not an ally, unfriendly, or an enemy of the United States.

Russia Tried to Send Diplomats to U.S. Polls to Monitor Election


The Washington Free Beacon

1 day ago – Russia tried to send monitors to U.S. election polls in the wake of accusations by GOP nominee Donald Trump that the election has been …

United States bars Russian monitors from presidential polls – RT.com



2 days ago – The US has rejected a Russian proposal to send diplomats to monitor the upcoming presidential elections and some states have even …

Russians consider US elections important; see Trump victory as …



20 hours ago – Over half of Russians think that the outcome of the upcoming US presidential election is important for their country, and many expect …

3 U.S. States Turn Down Russian Requests to Monitor Elections – The …


The New York Times

15 hours ago – At least three American states have turned down Russian requests to monitor pollinglocations during the election on Nov. 8, as United States …

Russia Mad It Can’t Hang Around US Polling Places – Newser



15 hours ago – Russia apparently wanted to send officials to monitor the Nov. 8 US election in three states and is very upset it was turned down, USA Today …

Poll: Nearly half of Trump supporters see Russia as friend to US | TheHill


The Hill

5 days ago – While 49 percent of Trump supporters see Russia as a friend, only 24 percent in the Politico/Morning Consult Poll released Monday say they …

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