ABQ Journal: U.S. House Issues Subpoenas to Individuals Associated With UNM


Baby febdad with babyLast night at the FGGAM Board Meeting we talked about this very sad news here in New Mexico, the investigation of fetal tissue at taxpayer supported University of New Mexico. I should never have to write a news story about something like this. This should never happen. This news has made me physically ill. This is what happens when people “run wild” away from God. Proverbs 29:18 NLT: “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild, but whoever obeys the law is joyful”  The University of New Mexico is to educate our Children not kill them. I am so very sadden by the lack of outrage from the Body of Christ and the so called Pro-life Republicans. Here is the latest from the Albuquerque Journal:  Story Here When will people realize you cannot mess with God and His ways?

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