Good Morning Beautiful People…Celebrate Veteran’s Day and Don’t Forget to Pray…


Good Morning Beautiful People. What a beautiful day to celebrate Veteran’s Day.

Today is a day of remembrance of the past and a time to declare our future. Let’s take some time to remember all those who have served our country. Also for the one’s that lost their life fighting for our freedom while serving our country. Thank you hardly seems appropriate, for the cost was great for you and your family. Please accept these kind words and know once again the Lord himself saw the sacrifice.

This morning, I inquire of the Lord how to pray for America once again. I feel overwhelmed with the all the ways man has changed this country and the foundation it was founded upon. He paid a great price, the ultimate sacrifice. However, it does not change my desire to ask God once again to bless America. I have children and grandchildren that will live out their lives here. I feel the call to pray on. Beside my bed on my knees this early morning, I humbly submit my life to intercession for this great Country. I feel the urgency to ask each of you to do the same. God isn’t interested in eloquent words and great speeches; He’s looking at the heart and soul of man. Just talk with Him, He hears the words of His children, for we all were created in His image.

I recollect the memories this morning of my grandson graduating from pre-school a few years ago. He received his certificate at Mapleton Elementary School here in the great state of Maine. The patriotic theme was touching and I loved hearing him recite the Pledge of Allegiance. When he would visit, I would ask him to recite it to me often, and he did with his head held high and his little hand on his big heart. It sure made this grandma proud.

Today, let’s take a moment and reflect on the words of this pledge and ask God once again to keep His hand on America. To draw us back to our foundation. We plead for mercy and grace to be poured out in this land that has shifted so far from its original foundation.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Together, let’s Declare an Awakening over America. Let’s believe God for an outpouring of His spirit on a land that barely knows him. Today and together all across America, let’s repent for being too passive when they were removing God from our land. (tell him if that is true in your heart today)

We pray for our President, we pray for our leaders. Oh God, please give them the wisdom from your throne room to turn the face of this nation back to you we pray.

Lord, for the sake of our children and grandchildren, we petition you for continued mercy and grace on this great country. Father, turn America back to you no matter what it takes we pray. We desire your Blessing on America for future generations. Amen

Angel and Mason Pledge the AllegianceMason and Evan patriotic

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