DEVASTATING: HP to Cut 25,000 to 30,000 JOBS!


Hewlett-Packard is preparing to cut up to 30,000 jobs as it launches into a new era in the same cost-cutting mode that has marked much of its recent past. This is another blow to the Obama economy. More and more Americans have given up finding work. We are in a failing economy and its like we avoid the truth, we pretend. We don’t pay attention to the stock market crashdeficit, we just print more monopoly money and play the game of economic death. I know this is old fashion thinking, but I was taught by my Daddy to leave this world a better place than I found it…….but Obama is leaving a ????? I don’t know what to call the world at this point, Lost? unemployedWe have left the trail that God had set before us. More on the HP layoffs:

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