Former Lt. Governor of NM Walter Bradley Congratulates FGGAM


Dewey and Sharon Moede,


I am at a loss for words! CONGRATULATIONS! It is another HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! The Moede team has successfully turned 3 years young in their “For God’s Glory Alone” ministry. No real surprise for me. Dewey you have been an inspiration to me for so many years and every day you reach out and add more believers to the church of our Lord.

Today our country is trying to evolve through a culture change away from God and you with your everyday every hour ministry are a BEACON for us to turn to for truth and sanctuary with the Lord. We need you now more than ever and that is exactly why God gave you the communication talent and put you on the airwaves at this time of need in America. “For God’s Glory Alone” isn’t just another Sunday morning show, it’s a ministry that keeps us informed of daily events and directs us in how to participate in fighting for God’s laws. It reaches out with a hand of kindness and tells us how to keep God’s church intact and with Him all will be good.

Dewey, you and Sharon and all the staff must keep bringing us our daily dose of WHO, WHAT AND HOW we need to live and work in these trying times. For it is through HIM we will survive.

Sincerely and with a glad heart I wish you many more years of “FOR GOD’S GLORY ALONE”!

Walter Bradley

Frm. Lt. Governor NM   wpid-dewey-and-sharon-1.jpgReserve-Revival

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