Watch the Snake Bite


Snake bit. We’ve all been snake bit. Maybe not by a literal snake, but consider the implications drawn from this little adventure Paul had:

“Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, ‘This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live,'” (Acts 28:3,4 NIV)

Yep, Paul got snake bit. But that isn’t all that was biting that day. When the islanders saw the snake dangling from Paul’s hand, they immediately assumed the worse about the apostle who had just weathered a fierce storm at sea. The cantankerous snake quickly caused judgment to fall upon Paul.

everyone is fighting a battle

Let’s back up and look at what had happened to Paul just before he landed on that island. He almost died at sea. The island “judges” knew about Paul’s seafaring adventures and assumed he was a murderer since the sea didn’t end his life. They figured their goddess of justice was just doing what she did best, administer justice by sending the snake to finish Paul off.

I don’t get any clue from the Bible text that they were aware of Paul’s history before he sailed the dangerous sea to the island, Malta. I assume they didn’t know about Paul’s great conversion, his godly mission to the Gentiles, and all the suffering he’d experienced because of his love for Jesus. As a result, Paul felt the sting of their judgement.

Snake Bites and Judges

Some things never change . . . most of us have been on the wrong side of judgement and let a figurative snake bit form a negative opinion of someone who has crossed our paths. Sure, it may not look like an island snake dangling from a unsuspecting hand, but raggedly clothes often yield the same result. A baby bouncing on the hip of an unwed mother draws judgement. What about ire hurled at unsuspecting parents after their child goes on a shooting rampage or because a beloved son or daughter sits in rehab because of a bad addiction. Shoot, some of us may have been on the receiving end of judgment because we have been been bitten by some modern-day snake, and we cannot hide if from the world.

It’s a sad state of affairs for everyone. Paul was dubbed a murderer by people who did not know the first thing about him. Often, people  judge others and are judged because things go on behind the scenes in a person’s life that no one can comprehend. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I’ve judged others. I’ve also been judged, and you probably have done both, too. However, before we chastise ourselves or others let’s return to Acts and see what it says about the island people BEFORE that mean ol’ snake bit poor, almost-drown Paul:

“Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.” (Acts 28:1,2 NIV).

These people were kind! I’m fairly kind, and I’ll bet you are kind, too. But, even kind people can fall victim to  judging others when something, like Paul’s snake, attaches to someone in our midst. I’m guilty when it comes to parents. I used to think I was the best parent around. Well, live and learn. I wasn’t the best and misjudged other parents’ child-rearing methods. Now that I’m an empty nester, I look around and see that my kids, despite being wonderful, are not perfect, and that other kids, despite not being perfect, are pretty wonderful. It doesn’t matter how kind I am, I was wrong to judge as harshly as I did.

Released from Judgment

Do you feel scolded? Well, let’s change my “slap on the knuckles” into something positive. I did not realize until recently the power of grace. Yes, grace. And the amazing thing is that grace works on BOTH sides of a snake bite leading to judgment.

God’s grace is available to the bite victim. If your bite of judgment comes from economic, theological, athletic, academic, or other challenges, remember that God holds the heavenly measuring stick . . . not those sizing you up. And, HE is the only one who matters. Paul didn’t deserve to be called a murderer by people who didn’t know him, but God’s grace saw to it that Paul was not affected by the bite. The judgmental minds of Malta changed real quick! God’s grace is available to all at the Lord’s good pleasure.

Now, get this! . . . God’s grace even rained down on the judgmental islanders! Once the sting of judgment was soothed by the divine balm of grace, the people experience healing. It wouldn’t surprise me if many of the healed where the “kind” people who originally labeled Paul a murderer. People, see what happens when grace abounds!

Perhaps the most amazing thing about this free-flow of grace is that it neutralizes poison. Yes, I said poison. Paul must’ve been bitten by a poisonous snake since the islanders were expecting him to swell up. That sums it up: grace neutralizes the poison of judgment.

I encourage you to think GRACE next time you watch a “snake bite” in someone’s life. That homeless person holding a sign for food. GRACE. The parent of an unruly child. GRACE. As people of God, let’s show grace to those afflicted by an ugly bite. God shows us grace* when we don’t deserve it, let’s do our best to pass it on.

©2013 Shona Neff

*Grace – Appropriately, the free unmerited love and favor of God, the spring and source of all the benefits men receive from him. (American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828,)