70 Years Since The Holocaust!

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Seventy Years Since the Holocaust!
Yad Vashem1Last week, the nation of Israel marked Yom HaShoah, its annual Holocaust Remembrance Day. It has now been 70 years since the end of World War Two and the uncovering of the horrific Nazi crimes against the Jewish people. So not only in Israel, but all across Europe as well, there are numerous events this spring commemorating the closing days of the Allied victory over Nazi Germany and the liberation of Hitler’s death camps. Now in the wake of the Nazi genocide against the Jews, the world vowed ‘Never Again!’ And yet, we are witnessing today a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe and chilling calls for the extermination of the Jewish state by Iran and other radical Islamist elements in the Middle East. This means Christians need to raise their voices in defense of Israel and the Jews like never before! That is why the International Christian Embassy has established an official partnership with Yad Vashem, the revered Holocaust memorial and museum in Jerusalem, in order to teach the universal lessons of the Holocaust to the Christian world. And last week, Yad Vashem hosted a special week-long seminar for Christian pastors and leaders from around the world to educate them about the role of Christian anti-Semitism in the Shoah and the need for Christians to speak out against hatred of Jews today. So just what did these pastors and ministry leaders learn? And how will they use it back in their home communities? Seventy Years Since the Holocaust! That’s our focus this week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll have a report on Israel’s observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day and the efforts of Yad Vashem to train up Christian leaders to defend Jews from resurgent anti-Semitism today. We’ll speak to some of the pastors and ministry leaders involved in last week’s special seminar for Christians about what they learned and how they hope to use it.

Airing the weekend of April 25, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, April 27, 2015

Parsons and Bueler at Yad Vashem (ICEJ Staff photograph)Program Features
Last week, Israel observed its annual Holocaust Remembrance Day, which this year came 70 years since the end of World War Two. Now Yad Vashem, Israel’s revered memorial and museum to the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, marked the occasion by hosting a special seminar for Christian pastors and ministry leaders. The week-long seminar, held in partnership with the ICEJ, aimed to educate these Christian leaders about the Nazi genocide campaign and the need to combat anti-Semitism today. Front Page senior producer David Parsons spoke to some of the Christian leaders taking part in this special teaching program and he now brings us this report on ’70 Years Since the Holocaust.’

ICEJ Report

On this week’s ICEJ Report, we’ll tell you what the Christian Embassy has been doing recently to help Jews from around the world make the journey home to Israel and get settled back in their ancient homeland. Here with the latest on the ICEJ’s Aliyah and Absorption efforts is Front Page senior producer David Parsons.

Join hosts Earl Cox, Ben Kinchlow and David Parsons for this week’s Front Page Jerusalem, on a radio station near you or visit our website to download the MP3 and to subscribe to program podcasts


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Between Passover and Pentecost!
We are now in the period on the Hebrew calendar in which the Jewish people mark the ‘counting of the omer.’ This refers to the 50 days between the spring holidays of Passover and Pentecost when an omer of grain was offered each day in ancient times as a special sacrifice in the Temple. This was meant to show us just how closely these two spring feasts were linked in Old Testament times. Now Passover and Pentecost were not only bound to one another in the Law of Moses, but they are inseparably linked as well in the New Testament. In the Gospels, we read that Jesus died just before the Passover began, rose from the dead on the first day of the counting of the omer, and then ascended to heaven so the Holy Spirit could fall on the Day of Pentecost – exactly 50 days after he arose from the grave! So just how closely linked are these special spring festivals in the Hebrew Bible and in Jewish tradition? Why are they so connected in the life of Jesus in the New Testament? And what lessons can we as Christians learn about Pentecost and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit even from the Old Testament passages about this great festival? Between Passover and Pentecost! That’s our focus next week here on Front Page Jerusalem. We’ll have a Bible teaching on the deep spiritual connection between these spring feasts and the lessons they contain for the Church today. Our featured teaching will be delivered by Dr. Jürgen Bühler, the Executive Director of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem.

Airing the weekend of May 2, 2015

Available on WWW.FRONTPAGEJERUSALEM.COM on Monday, May 4, 2015

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