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KOAT TV: Advocates say Albuquerque DWI problem was solved years ago

Thank you KOAT TV and T.J. Wilham for this report!


Some are confused over why the Albuquerque Police Department has said it didn’t know its officers were not showing up to court for DWI cases.

This story comes after Target 7 learned the FBI is investigating whether city officers were being paid by an attorney to not show up to court. This was in relation to driving while intoxicated cases.

However, Target 7 also found top Albuquerque police officials and advocates put in a system to prevent these court absences from happening in 2007. More Here From KOAT TV

Lets see….New Mexico is third in the nation in drunk driving. A recent report shows New Mexico ranked in the top three when it comes to drunk driving deaths. According to the New Mexico Department of Transportation’s data, last year, law enforcement made 8,329 DWI arrests. The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office said they’ll have deputies watching the roads. Dec 22, 2023. KOAT TV: New Mexico ranks third in drunk driving deaths. New Mexico is known by many as the abortion Capitol in America, many others refer to New Mexico as the abortion Capital of the southwest. New Mexico is last in education, always near the bottom in child-well being, always near the bottom in a great place to raise a family, and has a very dysfunctional CYFD: The New Mexico Children, Youth and Families Department. 

It just get worse here! It is a heart issue! Hearts for JESUS are needed here! There is a pot shop and stores that sell liquor on about every street corner in Albuquerque and many other places in the state. The state invites disaster.

Pot Shops in Albuquerque under investigation for alleged ties to international organized crime

One of God’s Babies Dropped off at a Safe Haven Baby Box at the Belen, New Mexico Fire Station

Former U.S. Representative Paul Broun (R-GA) Discusses “Religious Ceremonies” At The Satanic Temple’s New Mexico Abortion Clinic

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