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The “Uncomfortable” Teaching of Jesus That No One’s Talking About! Get With it People of God!

Christians need to stop blaming everybody else, Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. This research by Barna shows why we are going to hell as a country! I stated  that yesterday at ‘The Way, The Truth and The Life Ministries’ in Grants, NM. The Church in America should be mourning the loss of our country and getting to work! Think about the works of Mother Tereasa!

I had a Pastor from New Mexico ask me last week, “Why do Pastors show themselves feeding the hungry or preaching all the time on Facebook when that’s what the are to do?” Yep, too many love the spotlight and brag like little kids. We all need to get our hands and feet dirty and hit the streets and wash feet. It is called the Great Commission.

Henri Nouwen writes: “One of the greatest human spiritual tasks is to embrace all of humanity, to allow your heart to be a marketplace of humanity.” He adds: “Somehow, if you discover that your little life is part of the journey of humanity and that you have the privilege to be part of that, your interior life shifts. You lose a lot of fear and something really happens to you. Enormous joy can come into your life. It can give you a strong sense of solidarity with the human race, with the human condition.”

Do you not see what Satan is doing in your own community??? It is your responsibility to share JESUS with all. Get to work! The following story from Faith It should shake you up a bit and make you uncomfortable! Stop those immature ‘pep rallies’ Church! We are in serious spiritual warfare. Most Christians are being very ineffective in building up the KINGDOM OF GOD! So very many love their own little comfort zone. They love preaching to the choir! Oh they love to boast on social media how great they are as America goes to hell. Please read what Ethan Reno has to share in Faith It!

I was in Australia when I first discovered the writing of Shane Claiborne, a Christian writer, activist, and member of a group called the New Monastics. Someone had left a copy of his book The Irresistible Revolution on the toilet, so over the course of a couple weeks, I had finished it across daily visits to the throne. If you were to summarize Claiborne’s writings, mirrored and upheld by his own lifestyle, in one word, it would be along the lines of ‘radical’. Story Here

God Calls Us to Be Uncomfortable! What Are You Doing For The Kingdom?

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