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ATTENTION NM! Independent medical providers in New Mexico say rising malpractice cap threatens to shut them down

Look what those super heroes at the Capital achieved: State lawmakers in Santa Fe passed a bill that would declare the smell of roasting chile as the official state aroma. Spending time on things like this is just very wasteful to me, as the state burns down. Some may think this is so cute…I do not! The state of New Mexico is failing its people BY not correcting the wrongs of the state! It is getting hard for many to live here. IT IS WISE TO FOLLOW THE MONEY ON ALL THIS UGLY!

Can New Mexico do anything right????!!! My goodness! When is enough, enough??? It seems to me that so many at the Capital just want to destroy the state. FOLLOW THE MONEY! Below is a story posted in the Santa Fe New Mexican about this horrible problem of medical malpractice payouts. Dr. Gabrielle Adams, who is interviewed for this article is my doctor at Southwest Gastroenterology. Dr. Adams has been a godsend, she has helped me and Sharon so much with our health! Sharon also works at Southwest.

Here is the report on what is going on with this problem of malpractice payouts in the Santa Fe New Mexican written by Daniel Chacon:

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More Here on this very important story from Matt Grubbs of KOB TV

Our report on the House passing HB 7 is still getting reads. The destruction of New Mexico continues.

Hopie Carrillo: Sad as it is. I saw our political powers exhibit their depraved minds in the pretense of protecting the rights of our children. Parents have lost their right to protect their children. Lord protect our children from these demons!

Raul and Melissa Archuleta: We have lost our way morally and spiritually. We are lost. Yet! Our hope remains in Jesus! We pray for a revival of our souls and hearts, we pray for repentance and a return to God. He is our answer.

So many are godless here in New Mexico. Satan is blinding so very many. I love children so very, very much! They make my heart spin. What does God’s Word sat about being a child of God? So many in our government here in New Mexico and in Washington D.C. are just plain evil, they are godless. ‘Got Questions’ states: The New Testament uses the phrase child of God or children of God several times. First John 3:10 explains what it means to be a child of God: “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.” John is not referring here to legalists who rigidly work to earn God’s favor (Titus 3:5). He is describing the life of someone who has truly received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The life of a child of God will be radically different from the life of an unbeliever. A child of God has a desire to live in a way that pleases the heavenly Father (1 Corinthians 10:31), a life characterized by love. A child of God does not behave the way the majority in the New Mexico Legislature behaves!

I see so much evil in New Mexico and all across America….it is more visible than ever.

The comments above are two of many New Mexicans are making on Facebook after hearing this devastating news. Satan is having his way with the majority that have been elected by the people of New Mexico! What does that tell us? The Dems rule this state and are tearing down every Christian principle. I pray for a HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL IN NEW MEXICO! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! is the only answer for sick New Mexico.

KOB TV REPORTS: House Bill 7, focused on reproductive and gender-affirming health care, passed the House by just seven votes Tuesday night, after a three-hour debate on the House floor.

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Is This What You Want to Be Known for New Mexico? Pastor Dewey Moede: Every Pastor in New Mexico must evaluate what he and his congregation are doing to carry out The Great Commission. I have said for so long the Church here is not baptizing enough folks. A Pastor told me this week the Church in New Mexico that he had served at had just two baptisims in the last five years!

PTL!! Christian leaders and intercessors from around NM, across America and worldwide are coming to ABQ  Saturday, March 4

With 95% of all churches in America not having any type of prayer meeting, how do we expect to get God’s results? Please, spread The Word, invite others you know of like mind, who want to see God have His Way in our state, throughout the Four Corners region, across America and throughout The WORLD! More Here

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