The Creator Gives You Confidence


January 13, 2022
Today’s Daily Devotional


“So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: ‘Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them’”


What gives the believer boldness? It is the fact that God—who scooped out the oceans, who heaped up the mountains, and who dotted the Universe with stars, billions and billions of stars, out over the velvety blackness of space—is on our side. In today’s passage and the verses that follow (See Acts 4:24-30.), the believers said, “God, You made it all. Why should we tremble when You are our Father? Why should we be intimidated when a God who can do such things is on our side?”

A college student once asked his pastor, “Pastor, do you believe there’s life on other planets, other places out in space?” Pastor said, “No, son, I really don’t believe there is.” He said, “Now, Pastor, think about it. There are billions and billions of stars, and you don’t believe there’s life out there anywhere?” The pastor said, “I can’t prove there’s not, but I don’t believe there is.” And then the college student said, “Well, Pastor, then why did God go to the trouble to make all that stuff?” The pastor said, “What trouble? He only had to speak. Only God can do that. He spoke and universes dripped from His fingers.” What a mighty God we serve.

  • How often do you stop to consider the majesty of God’s creation, even beyond our solar system and galaxy?
  • What does this tell you about God and His power?


Make time this week to behold God’s majesty in His creation. As you do, submit your cares before Him, recognizing His power and might as displayed in His creation.

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